TOWER City officials here are looking at possible changes to the city’s charter, a key city document that hasn’t been updated since 1997, according to Mayor Dave Setterberg. Some …
TOWER Should the city of Tower agree to purchase the county public works facility, now being vacated by St. Louis County? That’s the question that the council has talked about for more …
TOWER Short-term rental horror stories are hardly unusual, but they had been relatively uncommon in Tower that is until now. At Monday’s council meeting, residents from North Star …
TOWER The city council here, on Monday, approved a ten-percent increase in the seasonal rate for RV campers at the Hoodoo Point Campground, but not before hearing from several of those …
TOWER The balance between motorized and non-motorized recreation proved to be the one point of concern by members of the city council here at their regular meeting June 12, even as they …