TOWER- A self-titled “rant” on the “What’s Up Tower” Facebook page this week asked a question that volunteers in the Wagoner Trails Club have expected was coming for …
TOWER City officials here are looking at possible changes to the city’s charter, a key city document that hasn’t been updated since 1997, according to Mayor Dave Setterberg. Some …
TOWER Emergency services topped the discussion during the city council meeting here on Monday as councilors took up a request for new equipment from the fire department and a plan to stem …
TOWER Short-term rental horror stories are hardly unusual, but they had been relatively uncommon in Tower that is until now. At Monday’s council meeting, residents from North Star …
TOWER- The Tower-Soudan area is home to a remarkably wide variety of trails, and Wagoner Trail Club volunteer Mary Shedd gave a brief overview of all the them at the first Tower-Soudan Civic Club …