is amazing. cnn continues now. translator: a year ago on this day from the same place around 7:00 in the morning, i addressed to you with a brief statement, we are strong and we are ready for anything. we will defeat everyone. this is how it began february 24th, 2022. i think everyone will attest to this, it s surprising that we are still here in this war that ukraine is still hanging on and still fighting back. as we know vladimir putin thought, hey we go into ukraine and it will be done zip zip zip. that is not happening. that is what we are talking about as we mark this one year. good morning. ukraine stands defiant and unconquered on this anniversary. it s now entering the second year. what is next for russia after a year of heavy losses. we will be joined live from moscow. and china is now stepping up and taking a more active role. can beijing help to broker a peace deal or will they get involved more on russia s behalf. and we know now that the engineer tried
clothes? no. and what about the blue rain jacket he recovered from his mother s house and they said it had gun powder residue on the inside. they suggested it was used to clean up. have you seen this blue rain jacket before? i never seen it before and never touched and don t know anything about it. several times the prosecutor accused murdaugh of being too rehearsed. how many times have you rehearsed your answer to the testimony today? i never practiced that answer. and in between murdaugh found openings to say how much he loved his wife and son and in gruesome detail he described for the jury how he found maggie and paul at the kennels after returning from his mother s home. i called 911 and i was trying to tend to paw paw and trying to
brown. there s no way you can get around it. expert analysts across the nation have determined this was not justified. the only person who reasonably believes it was justified is the district attorney and his objectivity is not there because he, like you said, he works with the officers every day who are accused or involved in the shooting of andrew brown. how much do the results of this autopsy bolster your argument that the officers involved in the killing should be prosecuted? well, one thing i want to point to the autopsy is that in the report there s no stippling or gun powder residue around the entry wound in andrew brown s head. that s a clear indication the bullet was shot from a distance and a high caliber weapon. they discharge almost 13-14 shots at mr. brown. autopsy determined it was bullet wounds to the arm as well as a gunshot wound to the back of the head. there s nobody ever said the
kevin was a suspect that we needed to find out the validity of his statements, whether he had gunshot residue on his hands, whether he was even able to shoot a gun, given his physical disabilities. reporter: but a suspect? they checked his hands for gun powder residue. negative. you have to look at everybody, unfortunately. sometimes hurts feelings, but you have to get down to the facts, too. reporter: but facts can be tricky things. and in this case far more elusive than anyone might have imagined. some clues were elusive but some were right out in the front, like the two that dramatically narrowed down the circle of suspects. coming up. those are huge. you eliminate everyone down to except those who have access to those two keys. when deadly trust continues. hen deadly trust continues. [ laughing ]
i can t understand what microsoft 121119 5pm aab you re saying. reporter: too disabled to explain he needed help. somebody s dying? reporter: someone was dead. kevin was a suspect that we needed to find out the validity of his statements, whether he had gunshot residue on his hands, whether he was even able to shoot a gun, given his physical disabilities. reporter: but a suspect? they checked his hands for gun powder residue. negative. you have to look at everybody, unfortunately. sometimes hurt feelings, but you have to get down to the facts, too. reporter: but facts can be tricky things. and in this case far more elusive than anyone might have imagined. some clues were illusive, but some were right out in the front like the two dramatically narrowed down the suspects. coming up eliminates everybody down to