A gun battle erupted at a home in Cypress, Texas after three bounty hunters targeted an innocent man, sheriff s officials have said. (Shutterstock)
CYPRESS, TX A group of Texas bounty hunters unlawfully entered a Houston-area home and engaged in a shootout with the renter, a man who turned out to be the victim of mistaken identity, according to a KTRK report.
Ricky Brannon said to the news station he was approached by the bounty hunters as he was arriving at his home in Cypress around 8 a.m. Sunday. He said they jumped out of their cars with guns while shouting at him.
it s a friend of yours. someone you ve worked side by side with. the shooter s girlfriend arrives and tries to persuade the gunman to give up. she called him. had a nickname. bubby, come out, come out. bubby, i love you. but her pleas go unanswered. he never responded. his only response was with his shotgun. ferryman opens fire and an intense gun battle erupts. the exchange of fire from only a few yards apart is up close and personal. patrolman jeremy blum is hit in the arm. sheriff kelly scrambles into the line of fire and pulls the patrolman back to safety. i grabbed him and pulled him back behind the camper to cover and deputies continued to return fire.
an apartment building in the paris suburb. intelligence, wiretaps, bank transfers led them to in low income neighborhood. the target, abdelhamid abaqoud, the suspect ringleader. police make their way to the third floor but an explosive charge fails to open the security door. a gun battle erupts and continues for an hour. three people are quickly arrested but there are still two or three people inside including a woman. they throw grenades, police fire 5,000 rounds into the apartment. after the scene quiets down, police send in an attack dog named diesel to check for signs of life. diesel is shot dead. a police sniper shoots one of the terrorists inside. injured, he continues to fire back. a police officer shouts to the
it s almost a sense of panic. it s a friend of yours. someone you ve worked side by side with. the shooter s girlfriend arrives and tries to persuade the gunman to give up. she called him. had a nickname. bubby, come out, come out. bubby, i love you. please come out. but her pleas go unanswered. he never responded. his only response was with his shotgun. ferryman opens fire and an intense gun battle erupts. the exchange of fire from only a few yards apart is up close and personal. patrolman jeremy blum is hit in the arm. sheriff kelly scrambles into the line of fire and pulls the patrolman back to safety. i grabbed him and pulled him
deputy well is at the scene. it s almost a sense of panic. it s a friend of yours. someone you ve worked side by side with. the shooter s girlfriend arrives and tries to persuade the gunman to give up. she called him. had a nickname. bubby, come out, come out. bubby, i love you. but her pleas go unanswered. he never responded. his only response was with his shotgun. ferryman opens fire and an intense gun battle erupts. the exchange of fire from only a few yards apart is up close and personal. patrolman jeremy blum is hit in the arm. sheriff kelly scrambles into the line of fire and pulls the patrolman back to safety. i grabbed him and pulled him