The Gujarat Congress has said that it has suspended 38 of its functionaries and workers for six years for indulging in "anti-party activities" during the Assembly polls held last month, where the grand old party could win only 17 seats.
"They are VIPs different treatment for them," Banerjee told the media before boarding her flight from Kolkata. She also said there was no separate meeting scheduled with the prime minister during her visit to the national capital and other areas. West Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee Slams Election Commission, Alleges PM Narendra Modi Rally on Polling Day Will Influence Outcome .
Gujarat Assembly Election 2022 Phase 1 polling today: According to the Election Commission of India, the voting will begin at 8 AM and conclude at 5 PM. A total of 39 political parties are contesting in the elections and have fielded 788 candidates including 718 male candidates and 70 women candidates.