Union Minister V Muraleedharan on Thursday launched a two-for-one attack on the ruling Left Front in Kerala and the Congress, accusing the former of mishandling the state economy and the latter of having lost the peoples' trust.
The BJP and the Congress went head-to-head Wednesday morning over allegations the centre is withholding funds - specifically devolution of tax revenue - to the Karnataka government.
Financial allocations to states are based on uniform guidelines that leave no room for discrimination, Finance Secretary TV Somanathan told NDTV Tuesday afternoon.
A whopping Rs 29,290 cr Centre s GST dues to Maharashtra unpaid
Maharashtra Governor said this while addressing the joint sitting of the state legislators on the opening day of the Budget Session
Monday March 1, 2021 4:09 PM, IANS
[Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari was welcomed by Chief Minister Thackeray when he reached the state assembly building Monday.]
Mumbai: Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari on Monday said that a huge amount of Rs 29,290 crore in GST compensation remains unpaid to Maharashtra out of a total of Rs 46,950 crore.
The Governor said of the total amount, the Centre has cleared only Rs 6,140-crore and another Rs 11,520 crore was given as loan till February 2021 to the state government.