The Group announces the success of a new Schuldschein-type private placement, for an amount of 650 ME divided into four maturities of 3, 5, 7 and 10 years. The placement was heavily oversubscribed,.
07.07.2023 - Regulatory News: Issuer Corporate name SEB S.A. (Paris:SK) Registered office 112 Chemin du Moulin Carron, 69130 Ecully- France Stockmarket Euronext Paris - A ISIN FR0000121709 Numbers of shares and voting rights : 31 May 2023 30 June 2023 Shares .
24.10.2022 - Regulatory News: Groupe SEB (Paris:SK): Statement by Stanislas de Gramont, Chief Executive Officer of Groupe SEB “After a year in 2021 that brought our performance to record levels driven by the consumption of Small Domestic Equipment during the .