here what is the accountability of the school? . well, so, you are correct. the way it was held on campus, this was an event known to the university. it s been held many times in years past. so the school absolutely had notice of this. apparently had no care or concern for safety regulations, making sure the referees were professional and there were paramedics on site. so there was a lot of moving pieces of course. it just appears there were safety failures at every single step of this process. again, you were correct, the weigh-in was held on campus. that would have been a roomed reserved by kappa sigma from terpblt. there would have been social media posts. . the fraternity and unlv put out a statement. the fraternity also greatly
Governments accord utmost confidence in youth to direct their energy and talents in developing their countries. That is why the countries, which efficiently utilise youth in a right direction are more developed while the ones that don’t realise the real value of youth stay behind. If youth are not given the opportunity to contribute in building their.
greg: a university sequel to separate but equal. woke campuses create a quandary separating students like their laundry. western washington university, they have created segregated housing for black students this fall semester. that s not a top story from 1954. when nancy pelosi was serving her eighth term. here s how they explained it during something called a webinar. students the opportunity to live in a shared space, in a space with others with a shared identity specifically organized identity. this community is meant to provide a safer space, welcoming space and a space for black identified students to connect. greg: rachel dolezal, you hear that? you could have roomed with all the other white women who said they were black. according to that white woman. but our race split universities