Convicted paedophile back behind bars after contacting Auckland girl
14 May, 2021 11:23 PM
5 minutes to read
The mother has criticised Oranga Tamariki for failing to act to protect her daughter from a sexual predator. Photo / Sylvie Whinray
The mother has criticised Oranga Tamariki for failing to act to protect her daughter from a sexual predator. Photo / Sylvie Whinray
A paedophile who groomed an Auckland teenager online then tried to lure her overseas is back behind bars after contacting the girl again in breach of his release conditions.
But the victim s mother fears the man has targeted other children on social media, saying there is nothing to stop him creating multiple profiles under different aliases.
‘Worrying numbers’ of youngsters being groomed
Top Story
March 5, 2021
LONDON: Children and teenagers are being recruited to terrorist organisations during lockdown in “worrying” numbers, according to Dominic Raab.
Updating MPs about so-called Islamic State (IS), also known as Daesh, the Foreign Secretary said the UK is tackling the group’s propaganda “head on”.
But he warned the terror group is “still able to carry out lethal attacks” and it remains the UK’s “most significant terrorist threat” both at home and abroad.
Speaking in the Commons, Raab said: “This is a critical moment. Yes, Daesh’s brand has weakened – it remains, nonetheless, globally recognised.
i hear that word groomed, that is, i think, a problem because to me that is an old cold war soviet term which to me implies complicity by the person who s being groomed. in other words, i m being groomed to be a spy. and that if she is saying that, like if she has information this actually is going on, then she ought to provide it. but using that word to me is a red flag. so the u.s. intelligence community has said russia is likely trying it again to meddle into the 2020 election. vladimir putin himself joked not too long ago about meddling again in the upcoming election. so how seriously do you think national security officials take that comment? how concerned should 2020 campaigns be? how do they brace for potential russian influence meddling? i think obviously they would have to be looking at this as a
i grew up in a town in hickory, north carolina, the foothills of the appalachian mountains. my mom was a public schoolteacher. my dad was a traveling paper salesman. we grew up pretty much middle class as they come. we went to church almost every sunday and weekends were spent doing housework. my parents worked hard to make ends meet. i got a scholarship to go to a fancy boarding school and then on to harvard. roomed with mark zuckerberg. the rise has been well documented, and my life dramatically changed. i went from being part of the middle class to very much part of the 1%. specifically in the book i talk about how i made $3 billion for half a year s worth of work. there s nothing else to call it but a lucky break. and in the years after that i