they re not aware of it. so, you know, i just felt, you know, if i had my 15 seconds of fame i can come out and i can tell my community, you know, go out, get yourself checked. the national kidney foundation, they ll check you for free. they have a program called the keep program. you know, kidney it s kidneys early evaluation perhaps. you can go on and larry: go on and check out in your community where they ll test you for free. larry: kevin, is the cast is tina fey, alec baldwin, all the rest getting behind grizz in this? absolutely. what we found out is one of the brothers of one of the executive producers has kidney problems also. it was season three where it was a kidney telethon or something like that. one of the things we were
concerned about when grizz found out this happened, how is the show going to act? are they going to allow him the time to go do his dialysis? before they found out, they told us we were part of the family, and they really stuck by that. whenever he has to do his dialysis or has an appointment, they ll juggle the schedule and give him all the time he needs to get the proper medical attention. tina is great, ail he electric is great. tracy is great. they ve all been very supportive. larry: people watching, grizz, who may want to help, may want to donate a kidney, who do they contact? contact the national kidney foundation, go on, they have all the information there. larry: they know all about you? repeat that? larry: they know all about you? suppose a very heavy-set person wants to volunteer to be tested on giving you a kidney, he or she could contact that foundation? yes, they can contact the national kidney foundation or go to their local hospitals and, you k
so, lare, my friend is hanging in there. larry: okay, kev. yeah, lare. larry: you re not able to you re not able to give your friend one of your kidneys? you know what, we haven t gotten to that point yet, you know? the point that we were at for the last, i guess, year now, is getting grizz to the right weight where the doctors would even agree to do the surgery. you following what i m saying? larry: grizz, you have to be lighter in order to get a kidney? we, when i first came down with the sickness currently i was 505 pounds. they will not, i repeat, they will not do the kidney transplant at that weight. i had to bring myself down to a reasonable weight anywhere from 300 to 350 pounds in order to have the kidney transplant. larry: what are you now? i m actually right now at 350. larry: kevin, if you what
pounds was very impressive and i wanted to join him in his struggle to lose the weight, so i recently started nutrisystem just so i could lose the weight and sort of give him that moral support, hey, you re not the only one trying to lose the weight. larry: grizz, have you got other people who are desirous of giving you one of their kidneys? i had a few people. after i did the dr. oz show a bunch of people came out and was willing to give me a kidney. like kevin said at that point i wasn t the weight. so now larry: now you are. now i am. now it s just a process of getting the right person to donate the kidney. because being that i m a larger man, you know, i just can t take a smaller person s kidney. everybody s kidney is the size of their fist and you see here i have a pretty big fist. so i m going to need a pretty big, you know, decent larry: pretty big kidney. yes.
you. can i jump in, larry? larry: yeah, quickly, kev. also contact nbc. nbc knows how to find us, if you want to offer a kidney. larry: that s simple. yeah. go to nbc. larry: they ll take your call. and say i want to give grizz a kidney. larry: grizz a kidney. let s get in line. you love them on the show. why not help them now? now it s time for heroes. this week we salute a 2007 hero currently working amid tragedy in haiti. before the earthquake bobby was serving 1,500 kids from nearby slums in his sports and feeding program. now his center is also home to more than 100 homeless families. tonight cnn honors bobby and his