instead, people start to meet people, discuss with people, listen to people. the key thing about the discussion is not just that one flippantly gives up one s own convictions but one starts to understand the other. that reduces conflict and mutual recrimination. father bruce morill, thank you for your insight. i appreciate it. i m happy to speak with you. thanks so much, father. of course, protecting the pope is priority number one. to ensure the pope s safety, the fbi has already set up round-the-clock intelligence centers in all three cities. according to new york police commissioner bill bratton, they have been studying the pope s body language so they can anticipate the pope s movement in a crowd despite the security concerns. millions of people are looking forward to the pope s arrival, including mayor de blasio, who i had a chance to talk with, not long ago. my grandparents were catholic. my mother was catholic, although she chose to stop practicing at a certain point.
helped him move. president obama is going to host the hope of the white house. at the white house. the pope is going to be at the white house. or as donald trump put it obama is letting yet another hispanic guy in. i know the pope has a sense of humor. i know it. pope francis wraps up his visit to cuba this morning. really arrive in washington d.c. this afternoon. who exactly the pope? where did his story begin? a new special report. the people s pope delves into to how he became the leader of the catholic church. his parents expected him to become a doctor. he saw a another path to healing. one he confided to his friend.
decision to legalize same-sex marriage, it seemed the pope was on board. but for conservatives, the vatican s actions, the pope s words are alarming. it s a fascinating discussion inside catholicism to watch. and any of us looking into that conversation recognize, you ve got you ve got warring visions of both who pope francis is and who many want him to be. reporter: dr. moeller says pope francis is a master at symbolism but he doesn t dare change church doctrine for fear of splitting the church in two. it s something many conservative catholics are loathed to talk about publicly. monsignor bolin. what s the difference between a liberal catholic and a conservative catholic? if you know the answer, you can tell me. reporter: i think i know the answer. well, i think the problem is that the best way to look at the question is not to put
on meet the press. did anybody pick up on that? of course not. because that wasn t a juicy story. but that s exactly what i said. that s exactly what i meant. i don t care what a person s religious beliefs are or what their religious heritage is. if they embrace american culture, if they embrace our constitution and are willing to place that above their religious beliefs, i have no problem with them. i said that. why is it impossible for people to hear that. last question. it goes without saying that anyone, should they take the oath for president of the united states, would swear to the constitution and to uphold it, so every president, be they muslim, jewish, catholic, christian, hindu, whatever, would take the same oath. so, are you basically saying here s what you take the oath, then
what you were talking about earlier is absolutely true. i ve lived here four years and i m stunned by the images we ve seen in person and on tv of the pope and the effect that he s had on people. constantly stopping, reaching out, grabbing hands, blessing children. it s been very emotional for people here. you have to think during much of the cuban revolution, these scenes would have been impossible, carol. you were not allowed to engage in large religious processions, churches, pretty much the only place you could worship, and even then you faced discrimination for being an openly religious person. that has changed. tens of thousands of people showing their faith openly and proudly, carol. all those new catholics. i m sure pope francis is maybe well, i m sure he s happy about that. patrick oppmann, michelle kosins kosinski, thank you. will hillary clinton s proposal to crack down on pharmaceutical companies really lower how much you pay for drugs?