because he hasn t revealed that yet. is this a second stimulus? a father brought to his knee at the sight of his son s name on the september 11th memorial, an image so telling that it went viral before the ceremony was even over. and remember this super bowl stunner? christina aguillara s comeback crushed. well, it happened again. same line. similar mistake. both women blond. fox & friends starts right now. hello, everybody. a minute after 6:00 on this monday, september 12th. hope you had a nice weekend. weekend of reflection and now we move on. we do. and we re going to start right away with your headlines because panic in the mid air and at the airports on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. two f-16 fighter jets escorted an american airlines jet from l.a. to j.f.k. because three passengers locked themselves in the bathroom. that s comforting. no arrests were made, though. fighter jets shadowed a frontier airlines flight from denver into detroit. this m
as long as you reduce tax rates and it is not a hidden tax increase, yes. the talk about the constant increase in spending makes me think of a cocaine user who always needs more coke to get high. someone like this guy. america can learn a lot from a drug addict. even though this country is $14 trillion in debt washington raised the debt ceiling ten times in the last ten years. each time it is like a hit. another spending hit but you are the junkies. to borrow less you need to spend less. yeah, washington could learn a lot from a drug addict. that was an ad made by a group run by gretchen hamill. what is your group and what is it doing? we want to educate the american public on the crisis we are experiencing and all things about economics and what happens inside the beltway and try to put it in simple terms and simple ways that americans can understand like a drug addict. are you one of the front
create energy. you are fine with getting rid of all those things if it balance. as long as you reduce tax rates and it is not a hidden tax increase, yes. the talk about the constant increase in spending makes me think of a cocaine user who always needs more coke to get high. someone like this guy. america can learn a lot from a drug addict. even though this country is $14 trillion in debt washington raised the debt ceiling ten times in the last ten years. each time it is like a hit. another spending hit but you are the junkies. to borrow less you need to spend less. yeah, washington could learn a lot from a drug addict. that was an ad made by a group run by gretchen hamill. what is your group and what is it doing? we want to educate the american public on the crisis we are experiencing and all things about economics and what happens inside the beltway and try to put it in simple terms and simple ways that americans
as long as you reduce tax rates and it is not a hidden tax increase, yes. the talk about the constant increase in spending makes me think of a cocaine user who always needs more coke to get high. someone like this guy. america can learn a lot from a drug addict. even though this country is $14 trillion in debt washington raised the debt ceiling ten times in the last ten years. each time it is like a hit. another spending hit but you are the junkies. to borrow less you need to spend less. yeah, washington could learn a lot from a drug addict. that was an ad made by a group run by gretchen hamill. what is your group and what is it doing? we want to educate the american public on the crisis we are experiencing and all things about economics and what happens inside the beltway and try to put it in simple terms and simple ways that americans can understand like a drug addict. are you one of the front
they call them alternative energy because they don t create energy. you are fine with getting rid of all those things if it balance. as long as you reduce tax rates and it is not a hidden tax increase, yes. the talk about the constant increase in spending makes me think of a cocaine user who always needs more coke to get high. someone like this guy. america can learn a lot from a drug addict. even though this country is $14 trillion in debt washington raised the debt ceiling ten times in the last ten years. each time it is like a hit. another spending hit but you are the junkies. to borrow less you need to spend less. yeah, washington could learn a lot from a drug addict. that was an ad made by a group run by gretchen hamill. what is your group and what is it doing? we want to educate the american public on the crisis we are experiencing and all things about economics and what happens inside the beltway and try to put it in simple terms and simple ways that americans