because he hasn't revealed that yet. is this a second stimulus? >> a father brought to his knee at the sight of his son's name on the september 11th memorial, an image so telling that it went viral before the ceremony was even over. >> and remember this super bowl stunner? christina aguillara's comeback crushed. well, it happened again. same line. similar mistake. both women blond. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> hello, everybody. a minute after 6:00 on this monday, september 12th. hope you had a nice weekend. weekend of reflection and now we move on. >> we do. and we're going to start right away with your headlines because panic in the mid air and at the airports on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. two f-16 fighter jets escorted an american airlines jet from l.a. to j.f.k. because three passengers locked themselves in the bathroom. that's comforting. no arrests were made, though. fighter jets shadowed a frontier airlines flight from denver into detroit. this mid air scare reportedly caused by a couple of lovebirds kissing in the bathroom. please. >> big line and we just had our heads down. >> i was scared. i was really scared. >> how about a little pda especially on september 11th? don't go in the bathroom. part of kansas city international was evacuated of a suspicious item. and a terminal was shut down at dallas-fort worth after a stuntman left his rental truck unattended with guns and pyrotechnics inside. he works for the discovery channel show "sons of guns." suspected u.s. missile strike believed to have killed three people in an al-qaida safe house in pakistan. intelligence officials say the attack happened right near the afghan border. this comes just weeks after a strike in pakistan reportedly killed al-qaida's second in command. president obama ending the 10th anniversary of 9/11 with a concert of hope at the kennedy center. >> ♪ the world stopped turning on that september morn ♪ ♪ your wife and children ♪ working on some would you stand there ♪ >> country singer alan jackson performed "where were you when the world stopped turning." the president talked about the powerful bond that all americans now share. >> from now, americans will visit the memorials of those who were lost on 9/11 and they will know that nothing can break the will of a truly united states of america. >> and today, at 10:00 a.m. eastern, the memorial at ground zero will officially open its doors to the public. and one of the most powerful images from the memorial at new york, a father falls to knees after discovering his son's name at the site. his son rob was a trader at cantor fitzgerald and he was trapped on the 104th floor of the north tower. robert says he doesn't need a map to find his son's name. he just started walking and there it was. the video of robert went viral before the ceremony was over, even before robert saw it. and those are your headlines. >> it's a rare occurrence but that photograph is actually on the cover of both the new york tabloids today. there he is on "the new york post" with the headline "sacred" and there he is across two pages on the front and back of "the daily news", "a day to remember." >> i'm sure you saw our coverage yesterday and all through the day, they did an incredible job. meanwhile, talking about jobs, that's what the president is said to be focusing on today as the congress is officially back in session. the president will be officially unveiling his jobs program. it's called the -- >> americans jobs act. >> that's it. and it's going to cost $447 billion and he's going to urge its passage and immediately take to the road to start selling it. >> that's right. he started the road show on friday after his joint session of congress on thursday night. he went to richmond and said "pass the bill now". he's going to apparently tomorrow go to columbus, ohio, where ethe's going to talk abou how he needs to hire, rehire teachers and we need to build schools. then he's going to north carolina and once again say pass the bill. >> interesting thing is he's not going to today at the rose garden speech i don't think say how he's going to pay for it. i think that's going to come on september 19th which is a week from today unless that date has been change. when we interviewed the president's spokesperson last week, he made it clear that the president plans to pay for it. it won't cost taxpayers. a lot of people are saying that the $450 billion will make the super committee's job difficult because it will come out of the savings they would have lopped off. it makes their job now $2 trillion to come up with. >> they have to do his job. he's passing the buck and he's saying super committee, be super and find another half a trillion dollars. >> next week, he'll talk to talk about savings regardless of how this goes over, he'll pass or prevent a broader deficit reduction proposal that they claim combined will save the country $2 trillion in deficit savings. >> meanwhile, the front cover of "the new york times," they had this story about how democrats are fretting here in new york and across the country about the president's re-election chances fortunate . apparently, they surveyed two dozen democratic officials and there's a sense of concern because a few months ago, they thought the president is going to have a challenging time getting re-elected but he'll get but he'll get re-elected. w, they're saying that the unemployment rate won't go much lower than that for re-election, he's going to lose. >> a democrat from maryland, you would never thought this would be his quote about president obama. "i think we know that there is a barack obama that's deep in there. but he's got to synchronize it with passion and principles." ne in other words, he's even questioning now. could it be a setting of the stage for lower expectation? >> on top of it, the congressional race for anthony weiner's seat is a heavily democratic district. guess where it's going, to the republican. bob turner, he's a professional politician and was respectable against weiner and now he's up six against the democrat. according to fred dicker of the "new york post," democratic leaders are hoping in a way that turner wins to send a message to the white house that the catastrophe is coming your way if you don't reform your ways. >> right, the very latest triple p poll shows mr. turner, the republican leading 47-41 over mr. wepren and they're hoping that it sends a wake-up call to the president of the united states saying come on, snap out of it. you just lost this heavily democratic particular district. new york 9 and you're going to lose it all unless you snap out of it and go back to your core values. >> that election is tomorrow, right? why is it so significant? anthony weiner, how many times did he win that seat in that particular district? >> 5,000. >> it was a landslide almost every time but the last election which was a little closer. this seat would become a republican seat, it's no doubt that democrats living in that district or in new york all around the state would be concerned about it. >> i remember when that upstate seat turned to the democrats from the republicans, it was a major thing. it goes to show you the republicans and the tea party overstepped their bounds and they don't understand that the american people doesn't like the way they've been acting and how are they going to say -- what are they going to say about this if it indeed does go to the republicans. are they going to say that's significant? but the thing that republicans should keep in mind is if you go to an average republican lawmaker, they think that president obama has not been easy to work with and not been bipartisan. if you talk to the democrat, you say the president has been too bipartisan, too quick to compromise. the president must be sitting there going, excuse me, is there something wrong here? >> i'm getting it from both sides. ea even if the republican does win, you have to keep in mind here in new york, we'll lose two congressional seats. even if he wins, he might not have that particular seat for the next two years because they could redistrict him right out but this -- when we talk about how the democrats are fretting in the pages of the "new york times" over whether or not the president will win re-election, it hearkens back to dana perino on the show last week, she said mark your words. you just watch next year, all these democrats who are saying you know what? he's got to return himself to the core values, he will have made some sort of a comeback. the economy will turn around a little bit and they'll say, see, we got him to make a turn and work less with republicans so there. >> lots of presidents have made lots of changes in the third year of their term and they've been re-elected. >> not with an unemployment rate this high. this is gigantic. >> no. we'll have to wait and see if his policies actually change. just hours before the president reveals his jobs plan, world markets are taking a huge tumble. are america's investments doomed when wall street opens today. stuart varney next with that. >> it happens again. a big mistake on a very big stage. >> ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched that our flag was still streaming ♪ >> you know what she meant anyway. our national anthem botched by cyndi lauper who was blond. what went wrong? and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to e military, veteransand their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. we could do weight watchers online together. it was easy, it was flexible and it worked. ok -- i've got ground turkey, i've got bell peppers so he'd plug it into the recipe builder and it just pulls up tons of recipe options. laura's very competitive, whenever i was beating her in weight loss numbers -- i always was winning in percentage. i am a little competitive. together we lost 162 pounds. i don't know if you've noticed, but look at this guy. [ female announcer ] join now and get oneonth free. hurry, offer ends september 17th. weight watchers online. finally, losing weight clicks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] unlike some car companies, nissan is running at 100%, which means the most innovative cars are also the most available cars. nissan. innovation for today. innovation for all. ♪ we're centurylink ... a new kind of broadband company committed to providing honest, personal service from real people ... 5-year price-lock guarantees ... consistently fast speeds ... and more ways to customize your technology. autoed au >> european markets taking a big hit overnight because of the potential of a greek default. that disappointment is spreading here in america that president obama's jobs plan will add more debt to our ailing economy. >> stuart varney says if you combine these two things, the markets are headed for another major selloff today and he joins us now. well, that's not good news to the start of the week. >> how many monday mornings have we got on the curvy couch and said watch out, here it comes again. stocks are going to go down. it's bad news all around. this has been going on for months and months and months. it appears to be coming to a head in europe. if europe is the basis of this crisis, that's where it's coming to a head because the greeks cannot repay. the germans will not bail them out and so the banks, which owed a lot of this debt, they're sinking fast. and the way i understand it is greece -- greece has responded by saying, look, we're going to have more austerity measures. they came out with their, sadly, their economy is contracting at 5% greater than they originally thought so they make that announcement and say we're going to cut back on all our expenses. isn't that going to send the right message? >> how can you possibly repay a $300 billion loan when your economy is in deep recession and getting smaller by the day? how do you pay that off? obviously, you can't. as i said, the germans don't wish to lend them anymore money. now, that has repercussions over here. the european banks are in trouble. american banks have a relationship with your european banks. our banks are in trouble. sinking fast. and europe is in recession. that hurts us, we're heading towards recession. so it washes over on those shores. let me ask you this -- if you're a regular guy and you've seen over the last 10 years, your stock investments have gone nowhere. absolutely nowhere and you've gone through -- i'm sorry, and you've gone through two crashes, ok, your house is probably worth less than what you paid for it so your two biggest investments, your fund and your house are sinking and they're sinking fast. how are you supposed to feel politically and financially? negative. >> ben bernanke is going to come out this week and do yet another move, right? >> so we think. he hasn't said that. he said -- >> what is he going to do? >> they're going to hold a meeting which they will discuss new ways of approaching this crisis because the old ways printing a ton of money has not worked. so they're going to consider new ways, new tools with which to address this problem. i don't know what they're going to do. they're in a corner. >> i just am wondering, people say if there was no euro, if these countries could have bought their own debt and maybe isolate the problem but now it's a massive -- >> it looks like the euro is on the verge of collapse. >> right, if england was dipping, they could buy their own debt and maybe solve -- >> they're probably with that, though, long temperature. >> ok, we'll find more about it when we watch you on fox business network. >> don heiken is with us, in the congressional race for anthony weiner's seat, he is backing the republican, bob turner. he's a lifelong democrat and he's backing the republicans. >> as is ed koch. >> indeed. >> thanks, stu. >> coming up on the show, the president is supposed to tell us this week how he plans to pay for this massive jobs plan. is it starting to sound like a second stimulus? our washington insiders up next. they can't call it stimulus. >> i'm not really sure. she didn't win but she certainly stole the show. wow, serena williams finds a new opponent. the ref, the ump and she didn't let up. wait until you hear what she said next. the "mystery spot". not a mammal in this household isilling to lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer. yesterday doesn't win. big doesn't win. titles corner offices don't win. what wins? original wins. fresh wins. smart wins. the world's most dynamic companies know what wins in business today. maybe that's why so many choose to work with us. >> quick headlines now. hope you're up. fox news alert. two americans kidnapped at gun point in pakistan and it happened on the border with afghanistan. we don't know the names of the victims at this hour and no group yet has gained responsibility or claimed responsibility. we're going to update you as soon as we get more information. and seven of the 10 oil workers missing in the gulf of mexico since thursday have been found alive. two of them americans. they were forced to evacuate their rig during a tropical storm. steve? >> all right, brian, thank you very much. president obama has we have told you set to send his jobs bill to congress tonight when they reconvene and later this week, he will outline how he plans to pay for it all. but is this $447 billion plan just another stimulus in disguise? will it actually get americans back to work. those are two big questions. our washington insiders on this monday morning is christine setzer, democratic strategist and president of new heights communications and gretchen hamill, executive director of public notice. good morning to both of you. >> when you need the jobs, are they going to do it? >> the president has laid out a plan that's a julia roberts-tom hanks movie, impossible not to like. every proposal in it basically -- >> what? >> absolutely. yes. >> it's a -- >> look, everything that's been agreed to by democrats and republicans in the past is paid out of future deficit reduction and there's something in it for everyone. whether it is direct help for the unemployed, whether it's tax breaks for workers and for employers. you know, i just think that if republicans can't find a way to support this plan, you have to wonder if they're more committed to seeing obama failed than seeing our country succeed. >> i think we all want people to go back to work. that's brilliant spin she just put out there. but there was -- this flies in the face, however of the fact there was an item in "the new york times" over the weekend that says they surveyed a bunch of ceo' and said yeah, we like the president's plan, on paper, it looks great but we're not going to hire anybody else. >> exactly. they don't make decisions based on one year and that's exactly what the payroll tax decrease does is it encourages businesses to just hire someone from one year and businesses look past one year and this doesn't reduce the certainty and create the economic environment that those businesses need in order to have that level of comfortability to create jobs. >> sure. >> ristie, let me ask you about this, with the last stimulus and this is essentially a stimulus, it cost close to $200,000 per job which is extraordinary. that could happen this time, too. >> sure. look, this is a plan that economists are saying we need to jump-start the economy. you know, including mark avandi with moody's who is a former advisor to john mccain, he says this plan will create two million jobs and reduce the unemployment rate by a full percentage point and it will grow our economy by two percentage points so i mean, if this is what economists are telling us we need to do, i believe that. >> christie, we're running up half a trillion dollars worth of more debt. how are we going to pay for it? >> what we know is, you know, a plan like this is certainly a better uses of our dollars than, say, the bush tax cuts which did not create jobs. i mean, here's what we know. we know that what doesn't create -- what doesn't create jobs is first of all, cutting jobs like the republican plan wants to do. by, you know, cutting those jobs with public workers like the teachers who help our kids and nurses who keep us well and the cops that keep us safe, we know that doesn't work. we know it doesn't work to keep giving big tax breaks to large corporations, that, as you guys have already said, are not using it to actually hire anyone. >> christie, i'm disappointed you didn't work in the phrase millionaires and billionaires and corporate jet owners. >> gretchen, i'm going to give you the final word. >> you know what? if this plan would create jobs, if more government spending worked in creating jobs, don't you think it would have worked $800 billion ago? and that we wouldn't be in the current economic situation we are? the stimulus failed back in 2008 by the white house's own measures. this isn't going to work. we need -- we don't need more of the same. we need something new! we need a new approach, a fresh approach. >> we do need jobs. i think we're all united on that. >> yes. >> christie and gretchen, thank you very much for joining us early on this monday morning live from d.c. >> thanks again. >> straight ahead, another big mistake on the big stage. >> ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched as our flag was still streaming ♪ >> oh, boy! cyndi lauper botches the national anthem. girls just want to have lyrics. then when you look at this picture, what words come to mind? a "new york times" blogger says there's only one. the word -- fraud. 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>> good question. she was just going back and forth so a whole new tune. >> that's what musicians do, brian. >> i had no idea! >> you want to know what she tweeted later? she said this. the moon shone done on us. >> this makes it better. >> and i tried to say a prayer at the same time. i hope i didn't mess up too bad. i wanted it to be comforting. now, see, this is my point, when you introduced her as a blond, there she's a red head. so she could camouflage herself to get away from this. >> that's the head shot she chose. what was the runner-up to that one? >> i like that one. >> remember christina aguillara during the super bowl a few months ago. >> ♪ o say can you see ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hail ♪ at the twilights last gleaming ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ what so proudly we watched ♪ as the twilights last gleaming ♪ >> yeah, you know what? it just goes to show you how, as he closes his eyes how infrequently we sing the national anthem these days. even professionals don't know how it goes. >> here's one thing i admire about myself. add halftime of one of the super bowls when janet jackson and justin timberlake were there, now is the time to take a break. what can happen at halftime? what's going on? major news and during the national anthem, i thought this is a great time to go in and get a drink. what can possibly happen during the national anthem? >> always watch the national anthem and the halftime. >> i've been focusing way too much on the game. >> maybe the game is tennis because the u.s. open final was yesterday between the women and the men will be playing today because of a rain delay. serena williams went right to the finals. she had a great tournament. but she gets to the final and really was outplayed from the very beginning. by the australian player whose last name is escaping me right now. now, remember, a couple of years ago when serena almost took the ball and put it down throat of a line ref. >> or threatened to. she didn't get close. >> i said almost. >> she was angry then. she was angry yesterday. this time she takes her angst out on the chair umpire. watch this. >> you're out of control. you're out of control. you're totally out of control. you're a danger. i never complain. wow. >> this is what's wrong with our society today. that's the entitlement generation right there. don't look at me -- >> no, it isn't. >> it's john mcenroe, jimmy connors from the 1960's. >> ok, then they were all bad role models for our kids. >> people are talking about it today, whether you like it or not, they talked about mcenroe more for his tantrums than for his tennis and when he even plays on the champions tour today, they wait for him to blow up. i'm not saying it's right. maybe bjorn borg is the right way to play but mcenroe and things like that sell tickets. >> you could argue, look, she has an anger management problem. when you look at the two tirades, this year's tirade much more subdued than the last one. that's when -- >> so she made progress? >> yeah. >> come on! who's with me on this? that shows our kids that -- i have no fault, i mean, this is what i combat with my two little kids all the time. if you are not a responsible parent to constantly say no, you need to take your own personal responsibility, you end up saying things like that. >> teaching moment. >> i don't know. >> here's the thing, you're going to be in a heated situation, please don't call the referee unattractive on the inside. >> and a hater. >> and a loser. >> was that a racial undertone? i didn't quite get that. >> i'll tell you what, the callback that everybody remembers, did you get all the rants, the whole control room heard every single word. >> i heard it all as well. apparently the tennis people will be looking at what happened and they'll reveal their investigation findings later today. >> that's going to be fantastic. >> stand by. >> meanwhile, she could be banned from next year's u.s. open in all seriousness. >> she absolutely could be. headlines for you on this monday morning. the 77 u.s. soldiers hurt in that homicide bombing in afghanistan all expected to survive. the blast which happened at the gates of a nato compound in wartick province killed five afghans including a young girl. taliban claimed responsibility for the attack and vowed to continue fighting until foreign troops leave. >> also, fire fighters are making some progress now against those raging texas wildfires. news is not good for many people who live in bastrop county. 1,554 homes have been destroyed. number is expected to go higher. eight people are still missing. >> the actor who played the title role in the tv series "spartacus, blood and sand" has passed away. >> wow. he died 18 months after he was diagnosed with nonhodgkin's lymphoma. his wife was by his side. he was just 39 years old. >> and a mother and son reunited for the first time in a decade thanks to facebook. the emotional scene videotaped at a pennsylvania airport. katia sanchez was living in costa rica when her estranged husband took their 6-month-old son and moved to israel. six months ago, he posted a message on facebook. >> i cried really hard. it was emotional that i finally got in contact after all these years. >> jared recently moved back to the united states. he says he has a lot of catching up to do now with his mom. >> ok. 22 minutes now before the top of the hour. an emotional sunday night football game as the jets hosted the cowboys on the 10th anniversary of september 11th. across the river from ground zero. former president george w. bush tossed the coin. a giant flag was unfurled on the field. and first responders were honored and believe it or not, they were invited. as for the game, cowboys would go up 24-10 in the third quarter. suddenly, the cowboys who everyone thought were overrated and not going to put up much of a fight looked like they were going to coast to a victory when mark sanchez and the jets turned it up. first on special teams with the incredible block. the block there and then the cowboys would turn over with an interception by romo. he would win the game for the jets with no time left on the clock. the cowboys for the first time in their history blew a 14-point fourth quarter lead and they lose 27-24. the september 11th tributes were just not in new york and washington. they happened around the league. flags were unfurled before each and every game. many players wore tributes on their uniforms or gloves and they were allowed to by the league. a colts player wore these gloves with the words "never forget" on them which is very nice. giants safety kenny phillips wore these shoes to pay tribute in new york's game against the redskins. and a member of the baltimore ravens wore these shoes to honor new york city firefighters. >> wow. just some of the ways people commemorated what happened 10 years ago. meanwhile, from the pages of "the new york times" blogosphere, paul krugman took the occasion to write a column called "the years of shame" where he called george bush and rudy giuliani fake heroes and he called the anniversary of 9/11 an occasion for shame. >> i didn't really think of it as a column. it was like three paragraphs of a rant. and i don't -- and he would not allow anyone to comment on it. he didn't give any sort of basis or evidence as to why he believes that they're fake heroes. here's the direct quote. "fake heroes like bernie karick, rudy giuliani and yes, george w. bush, race to cash in on the horror." and then the attack was used to justify an unrelated war and they wanted to fight ash you will the wrong reasons. i understand if you're against the wars but do you honestly believe that president bush and rudy giuliani cashed in? >> he does. >> cashed in? in what way? they made money off of it? >> well, i mean, what he's trying to do is he's trying to matter again clearly. and the fact that he doesn't accept posts shows you how prideful he probably is in the column. >> the reason he did not accept posts, there are only a certain number of ways people can say you're an idiot. i think it's 19. >> right. i leave it to the american people to come up with creative ways they would have been able to rally together on this point and they blamed professional pundits for turning a blained e-- blind eye to the atrocities and the corruption. president bush was asked to write a memoir and talking about the fact that now ex-mayor rudy giuliani was able to write a book on leadership because i guess people like his leadership principles. now, keep in mind, too, was he critical of bill clinton for writing his memoir? because everyone bought it to tr to get more information on impeachment. >> who knows what he was talking about, ed morrisey who writes the blog "hot air" said this about paul krugman. you seriously have to remind yourself that "the new york times" pays krugman to write this stuff. this wouldn't even pass muster for a letter to the editor and most newspapers. he's mailing this in from 2003. it's as if krugman hasn't bothered to think about 9/11 in the past 10 years at all which says more about krugman than it does about september 11th. what do you think about his comments? george bush and rudy giuliani are fake heroes? e-mail us, friends at welco >> and you can twitter us as well. >> unlike him, we'll take responses. >> this gas contains ethanol. it was marketed as a great alternative to old fashioned fuel and the government made it the law. but wait until you hear who is actually benefitting now. >> and who's not. and it made millions at the box office. but could the story in c contagious come true? we'll talk to one doctor and find out what he has to say about it. >> they're moving the president underground. >> people will panic. it will tip over. the truth is -- [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. [ male announcer ] get five dollars in money-saving coupons at with new extra-strength bayer advanc aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain ice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. >> 45 minutes after the top of the hour. couple of quick headlines for you now. new date set for the martin luther king jr. memorial dedication. it will happen on october 16th. the 16th anniversary of the million man march. the dedication was planned for august 28th but was postponed because of hurricane irene. and could watching "sponge bob squarepants" actually harm your kids? researchers from the university of virginia found fast paced cartoons can -- well, which ones aren't? they can damage kids' attention smanz and short term memory. the constant changes of setting being blamed for overtaxing their brains. what about the dialogue? not sure. brian. >> all right. thanks, gretch. 14 minutes before the top of the hour. it sounds environmentally friendly. it's made here in the u.s. and it provides subsidies for american farmers. plus congress promises it will lower gas prices but is corn ethanol really a cost effective alternative to petroleum? it's actually in our gas. a former white house budget official in the energy department and author of this book "corn ethanol, who pays, who benefits." ken, welcome. what's the problem with ethanol? >> the problem is basically this. the claims made when the policies were passed were that it would decrease gasoline prices, decrease petroleum imports, improve the environment and reduce federal budget costs. using forecasts from the energy information administration for both the competitive market policy and the current ethanol policy of mandate, subsidy and trade protection. in fact, corn ethanol does not lower imports, does not reduce gasoline prices. it denigrates the environment overall and it increases federal budget costs. >> so let's get this straight. not only do we give tax breaks to corporate jet owners, those evil people, but we give tax breaks to ethanol -- to farmers? >> yes, indeed. they get $0.45 a gallon for the ethanol and in addition, they get corn subsidies for producing corn, etc. the total cost -- >> does a job on food prices and for the malnourished on this plan, they are paying the price so to speak. >> they are. because this diversifies 40 million acres of prime farm land in the u.s. to produce food for fuel instead of food for people. and the poor people in the world suffer the most. >> and environmentally, this is no walk in the park. it's worse on the environment, they say, than gasoline and it's an additive in all of our gasoline. by the way, just to give you a relevance, every one bushel of corn gives you approximately 2.8 gallons of ethanol that's produced. so it kicked into gear in 2005. do you believe it was well intentioned and has gone -- and just not panned out or do you believe this was something else? >> i think the advocates at that time oversold it and the reality is now that we've had this policy in effect for five or six years, it hasn't delivered on its promises. it's extremely costly. over 10 years, this costs consumers and taxpayers over a half trillion dollars. >> who is going to tell the farmers we're not going to do this anymore? a lot of people who want to win iowa and those farmbelt states are not going to do that. that's our political environment. congratulations on the book. you are the president and your book is called "corn ethanol, who pays, who benefits". >> thank you very much. >> we move ahead. would the united states be better off if we put combat vets in congress? one group of vets ready to give it a shot and they're here next. and "contagion" is the movie about a deadly virus that sweeps the globe and it made millions at the box office this weekend. but could it really happen? dr. marc siegel is here. [ male announcer ] one-hundred-nineteen data points. this is what we can gather from an ordinary crash test dummy. two million data points. this is what we can gather from a lexus crash test genius. [ engine revving ] when you pursue industry-leading safety, you don't just engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology, you engineer amazing. ♪ >> all right. have you heard about this new movie called "contagion" and it scores the top spot at the box office this weekend. >> it's quite possible you come in contact with an infectious disease in which you're highly contagious. >> there were two people and then four and then 16. in threemonths, it's a billion. that's where we're headed! >> they're calling out the national guard and they're moving the president underground. >> people will panic! >> get away. >> it will tip over. >> the truth is being kept from the world. >> well, the film may have audiences bugging out over the fear of germs. is it all hollywood hype or is it true? here to break down the fact vs. fiction, fox medical a team, dr. marc siegel. i don't know if i would want to see this movie and you say the reason i might be fearful is because -- >> well, for once, and this is very refreshing to me having studied pandemics and written books on pandemics, this is the first time i've seen a movie or anything like this that's actually realistic and accurate. they base it on a real virus called the nipa virus found in fruit bats and does spread to pigs the way the movie shows. it has had outbreaks in humans. that's all accurate. the center for disease control responds putting in a level four lab and having stadiums where they can put people that are really sick, that entire response is accurate so i was very excited to see real science in this. here's where it gets murky in hollywood. first of all, it occurs in 90 minutes and two hours and makes you feel like the world is ending behind your eyes. here's another point of science. as viruses spread more and more among humans and this one is very unlikely to d that, they become less deadly. this is playing off the 1918 spanish flu hype where it's having mutations and getting more deadly and there's no vaccine and they can't control it so all of that is very, very unlikely. i want to tell people out there, it's exciting to see this. it's not going to happen. >> but let me ask you about this. we've gone through the h1n1 virus and gone through the bird flu. there's going to be probably something, sars. is this similar to what we're seeing in the movie or what we're seeing in the movie is much worse? >> what we're seeing in the movie is much, much, much worse. there's been a big debate going on out there whether that can happen like this. there's a group of scientists who are saying we're not prepared enough for. this the movie showed how we were caught unaware and how it could snowball. this could actually happen. the chances are quite remote. another problem with the movie. they use a different medical correspondent from another network i'm complaining that the medical a team should be on this movie. >> well, you did it right here on "fox & friends." next time, maybe they'll call you up. you actually have the real life expertise. >> and the science. >> all right. dr. marc siegel, great to see you. thank you. >> great to see you. >> we told you earlier about a "new york times" blogger calling the former president a fake hero. dana perino up next to respond to that. former governor of minnesota tim pawlenty will join us live. he has something big to say you will only hear on "fox & friends." an exclusive announcement from pawlenty. losing weight clicked for me when i lost weight right away. that weight tracker continued to go down and down and down. weight watchers online has some great tools. i just love the chinese buffet cheat sheet -- if you like the chicken and vegetables you can put a little serving here and you actually make your plate. it just blows my mind to even think i've lost 100 pounds and i have weight watchers online to thank. the fun, funkier me has come out to play. 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[ male announcer ]alf a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. >> good morning, everyone. hope you're going to have a great monday. today is september 12th. i'm gretchen carlson and today, president obama hands his jobs bill to congress. he says it's imperative that they pass it right away. but first, he's making time to take a tour across the country. i believe it's ohio, maybe north carolina. so can the president have it both ways? >> hi, they bought the country together during a national tragedy. now a "new york times" blogger, columnist, president george w. bush says george w. bush is a fake hero. the president's former press secretary dana perino will respond. >> meanwhile, this girl just wants to have fun. but cyndi lauper should have the right lyrics as well. >> ♪ for the ramparts we watch ♪ ♪ as our flag was still streaming ♪ >> oh, she blew it. if only she would have had the president's teleprompter, that have helped her. your e-mails and tweets are pouring in about this. we're going to read them straight ahead. hour two for "fox & friends" for this monday starts right now. >> good morning, "fox & friends." >> good morning, "fox & friends." >> "fox & friends." >> good morning. >> bright and early as we get up and deliver the news. >> you know what that's from? you remember what that's from. we used to hook up the phones. >> all the time. >> because we didn't have enough people to talk to. >> that ended shortly after i came on this show. >> was it a liability to have people on the phone? >> i'm not really sure. >> i kn > >> i know at the very beginning, when we first started, there was so few people started. 10 people would call. now we ask for phone calls, we probably get 1,000. >> right. >> and we'd melt a circuit board. >> all right. so anyway, we're going to start off not with the phone call today but with your headlines. two americans have been kidnapped at gun point in pakistan and just reportedly now been released. it happened in the town on the boshder with afghanistan. we don't know the names of the victims or why they were in pakistan and no group has claimed responsibility. islamist militants are known, though, to operate, of course, in that area. panic in mid air. and at the airports on the anniversary of the september 11th attacks. two f-16 fighter jets escorted an american airlines jet from l.a. to j.f.k. because three passengers locked themselves in the bathroom. no arrests eventually made. fighter jets shattered a frontier airlines flight from denver into detroit. this mid-air scare reportedly caused by a couple of lovebirds, how silly. they were kissing in the bathroom. >> that's it? >> then we just had our heads down. >> i was really scared. >> you got that one right, brian. why would they go and do that on september 11th. part of kansas city international was evacuated after a suspicious item was found in a man's carry-on. it turned out to be nothing. a terminal was shut down in dallas fort worth after a stuntman left his truck unattended with guns and pyrotechnics inside. he works for a discovery channel show "sons of guns." markets around the world are falling today following a big wall street selloff on friday. investors are worried now about the debt crisis in europe and a potential greek default. over in asia, most of the major markets are down including the hang seng which is down more than 4%. european markets down as well. the french markets, the biggest european loser today dropping more than 4%. today at 10:00 a.m. eastern, the memorial at ground zero will officially open its doors to the public. and one of yesterday's most powerful images from that memorial, a father falling to his knees after discovering his son's name. his name is robert caraza and his son rob was a trader at cantor fitzgerald. he was trapped on the 104th floor on the north tower. he didn't need a map to find his son's name. he just started walking and there it was. the video of robert went viral before the ceremony was even over before robert even saw it. those are your headlines in the photo ended on the cover of both new york papers today as well. >> it did. dana perino joins us live from our d.c. bureau. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> later this morning, the president will be out in the rose garden and he's going to say, look, i'm going to send the congress my jobs plan. and then later tonight, he'll actually officially send it over there. he calls it a jobs plan. but really, it's a stimulus. it's another stimulus. even though they hate the s word, right? >> well, in the checking i did, there's an economist i found that doesn't think it's a short term physician val stimulus. and if that's what the white house thinks the economy needs, then it would be good to just ca a spade a spade and lay it out for us. i am a little confused about the communications on this because they announced the speech, they weren't ready to give, then they got ready for the sfeepeech ande timing got messed up. then he says he's going to tell us -- give the passage of the bill now but they've not written it yet. apparently on friday night, there was a word that the democrats wanted to wait two weeks before he sent the bill up. so that he could travel to swing states around the country and try to sell his jobs plan but now we find out today that he's actually going to release it and i'll tell you why i think that is. congress has a schedule that has been set for a long time. if they waited two more weeks, by the time they would try to even get a jobs bill passed, they're going to be well into late october. if i was in the communications white house shop right now, i would blow a gasket against the legislative affairs shop across the hall over there in the east wing. >> interesting. what do you make, though, of the fact that he hasn't yet told the american public how he's going to pay for it? that's apparently going to come in a week and many people are saying this $4 auto billion is going to make the job of the super committee even more difficult because they're going to have to add that to their list of things they have to cut. >> right, i would imagine that the democrats on the super committee are saying gee, thanks, president obama. because he is making their jobs harder and in fact, senator baukus is the one that said that. it could be when he comes out with that plan, he's going to say find that deficit reduction for my $427 billion plan in addition to what you already had to try to find and that's really not much of a plan. and for all of us who waited last week to listen to how he was going to create jobs in america, it's a little bit insulting, then, to have to wait a week to find out how you're going to pay for it and wait another month to find out how they're going to deal with entitlements. i think from a communications perspective, this whole thing could have been done much better. >> let's talk about something else. in "the new york times" front page yesterday, everybody is focusing rightly so on the 9/11 coverage, there's a big story about how 24 democratic officials we surveyed and they're all concerned about president obama's re-election chances. they are hopeful that that tone they took in his national congressional address, addressed to congress is going to be consistent from here on in. but they're worried because of stubborn unemployment and all the economic factors going in. dana, what do you -- how does this play into the scenario you outlined for us last week? >> what i said last week is the democrats are going to start, you'll see them start chipping away at their support by being more vocal in their criticism. up until now, aside from some liberal columnists, you have had most democrats speaking on background because they don't want to insult their president and rightly so. but you might hear some louder calls because his popularity now is so far down that it's hard -- he doesn't give them much to sell when they go back to their districts when they're running for re-election. i think on the merits a lot of them think their policies won't get them to a job creation pass so they don't have a lot to work with and they're frustrated but i do believe at the end of the day, next november, they're going to vote for him. >> absolutely and they can talk about, oh, look, he's the comeback kid. the economy is still, you know, the unemployment is at 8% but still, we're doing much better. let's talk a little bit about speaking of the economy and money stuff. paul krugman writes about that on pages of the "new york times" and on-line as well, he had a column over the weekend where he called bush and giuliani fake heroes and the anniversary of september 11th an occasion for shame. did not allow readers to comment because obviously, everybody would bully him. what do you make of his comments? what's he talking about? >> this is a guy who desperately seeks attention. yesterday when he wrote that and then said he wouldn't want to take any, you know, complaints about it, it's like he put himself in an isolation cell so he could sit there alone with his thoughts. last night, when you saw the -- well, there was the ceremony all during the day and then you saw at the jets game last night when president bush did the coin toss and the spontaneous emotional applause, now that is true emotion for a hero and i sat here a little bit while you guys were doing the headlines thinking about what wou it have been like if paul krugman had walked out on the field last night to do the coin toss. >> people wouldn't have known who he was, first of all, but besides that, i do have to take you back as well. we're watching the coin toss here and listening to the applause. it was a moment at ground zero yesterday when the president -- former president bush came to the microphone and i have to tell you, i was in the middle of a conversation because our show had just gone off the air and i stopped because talk about spontaneous applause. when your former boss just went up to the podium, let's listen to it. >> i pray that our heavenly father may assuage the anger of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. you also understood the cost of sacrifice and reached out to console those in sorrow. >> that was the one that i was talking about, dana, when he first came up to the podium, what do you make of that? >> i went back to something i thought -- i remember that he had said right after the days of 9/11 and actually several of us at the white house had printed out his speech, this one phrase and left it on our doors. the whole eight years. and it was this -- that we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. and there was nothing about "i" i will not tire, falter or fail. it was we. and my whole time getting a chance to work for president bush, 9/11 was never about him. and i think that that applause and that reaction, gretchen, is actually the heartfelt feeling of people who knew that they were the most important thing to him. it didn't matter if you're a -- he was going to try to protect you and make sure it didn't happen again. and he did. >> and he has big crowds in new york and he does have their respect. they weren't voting for president bush and they weren't voting for his dad and in new jersey they're not doing it either but when it came to him, especially last night in new jersey, on the coin toss, that applause was loud. and no one is holding up an applause sign. that's how people legitimately react. >> it's a really good book and you'll remember, of course, when president bush threw out the first pitch at yankee stadium just about a month after 9/11 and i thought last night was a nice little book end to the 10 years at a wonderful sports event where we can all then honor the victims and never forget them but also continue to move on and try to make our country better. >> that's right. and that night at yankee stadium, he threw a strike just when america needed a strike. >> all right. dana, thank you very much. have a great week. see you back here next month. >> all right, bye-bye. >> coming up on the show, he became famous right here on "fox & friends" for picking the top candidates back in 2008. today, jason wright is back to reveal his 2012 race card. so who is the top republican in the political horse derby? >> and your feedback is pouring in on this. cyndi lauper's lyrical lapse. she forgot the words to the national anthem. ♪ ramparts we watched when our flag was still streaming ♪ [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. with new extra-strength bayer advanc aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain ice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. >> welcome back. they were the first to rank the candidates back in 2008. and now political is back with which g.o.p. candidates on top so far this time around. >> right, here in 2012, this as the presidential hopefuls get ready to face off in another big debate and that's tonight. joining us is the editor of politic, jason wright. he'll probably be watching tonight. handicap this field for us and use horse analogies. >> is that required? >> yes, it is! >> let rejust remind folks, your long time viewers in 2008 probably will remember that the rankings at are less a prediction of who will win the nomination and more of a snap shot where the horses are on the track of this minute. lot of people ask how we come up with them. it's a secret recipe, we take polls, fundraising, debate performance, grassroots buzz and put it all in a shake and bake bag and we shake it up lik crazy and we pull out the horses and that tells us exactly at this moment where the horses are on the track. >> let's go to the track, then, we can see on the big screen in the first position, you've got the governor of texas. mr. perry followed by the former governor of the commonwealth of massachusetts, mr. romney, followed by ron paul? let's start with ron paul. >> ron paul, that's right! this is the highest, that the good doctor ron paul has been in the power rankings. i wonder if a lot of the voters or the mainstream media understand that ron paul now leads in the national polling averages over the likes of michelle bachmann and gingrich and herman cain. this is a big deal. i mean, it's time to maybe tehr take ron paul seriously. the supporters will tell you they don't believe the good doctor can win the nomination and will win the nomination. they believe this is more about setting the stage and shaping the platform for another paul, senator rand paul in another four years. >> really? that's interesting. you know, of course, maybe people didn't hear ron paul say they're building a wall on our borders to keep us in. i thought that might have been a game breaker. let's get to number 2, romney. he did well in the debate. i imagine this is a lot closer call than it was two weeks ago. >> absolutely. absolutely. the gap is shrinking a little bit between romney and perry although i will say this is the first time that mitt romney has not been ranked at the top of our rankings since our very first 2012 edition back in november. i think romney did very well in the debate. i think he'll do well tonight but you can't ignore the fact that he is trailing in the averages across the board to the governor of texas, rick perry. >> comes in the top spot. >> why is he above romney? >> you know, you can't ignore averages. i mean a lot of folks including yours truly at we found that big bounce and the fight that he got after the announcement would phase and pop and fizzle by now. that hasn't happened. he still has a clear lead. there's time, obviously, for that to shrink but i'll say, i think perry did pretty well in that debate. i think he has to do better tonight and he has to do better moving forward against the other candidates on stage. maybe it's just me but i felt like during that first debate, he did well in the first third, ok in the middle. towards the end -- i felt like i wanted to give him a glass of warm milk and a snuggui and tuck him in a little bit. >> you should have been allowed to. that bothers me. jason wright, editor of political, thanks so much and we'll honor your predictions on the show. >> thanks so much. >> get your shake and bake bag. >> rick perry wrote an editorial on his true explanation of what you do on social security. we'll talk about that with governor tim pawlenty. >> excellent. coming up live this hour, look at that. there he is. governor tim pawlenty. he's got a big announcement and you'll find out what it is coming up very, very soon right here on "fox & friends." >> promise me you're not going to give it away. >> all right. >> first, will the united states be better off if we put combat vets in congress? this group of -- this group of those very heroes ready to give it a shot. you're going to meet them in two minutes. >> here they come! >> welcome back. 23 minutes after the top of the hour on this monday. quick headlines for you. the news is not good for residents of bastrop county, texas as firefighters continue to fight the devastating wildfires. 1,554 homes so far already been destroyed and the number is expected to rise. eight people are still missing and a florida lifeguard is struck and killed by lightning while trying to get riders off a water slide during a thunderstorm. justin inverso was standing in three feet of the water at the top of the slide when he was hit. he turned 21 the day before he was killed. and he worked at busch gardens in tampa, florida. >> so would our country be better off if we put combat vets in congress? after risking their lives to defend our freedom in iraq and afghanistan, our next three guests wanted to keep serving so they're all running for congress in 2012. joining me now, lieutenant colonel steve lebate, army reserve officer running in new york's second district, justin bernier who served in afghanistan who is running in in connecticut's fifth district and a marine corps veteran of desert storm and running in north carolina's seven district. good to all three of you, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> i know you have 5-year-old children. >> right, twin 5-year-olds, michael and maria. >> you thought this was your call to duty. you've done the call to duty before for your country. this is like serving your country in a different way. >> without question. i felt like i brought a lot to the table. my military service, brought with it besides a sense of duty and obligation. also, my family gave me that sensof obligation. i mean, it may sound corny but the reality is that i couldn't look at my twin 5-year-olds in the eye and feel like a few years later that i didn't do my part to try to bring this country back on the right track. >> people maybe don't know your history. i mean, twice in the military but you're charged with murder, by the way. >> that's right. and it was after watching the towers fall here in new york that i went back into the marine corps a second time. i fought in fallujah and i was charged -- i was exonerated and became a deputy sheriff in north carolina which is where my children were born which is where i lived and where i'm running for congress and i'll tell you, steven was saying, when you got children, you feel not only responsibility for your community and your country but for the future of this nation. >> you're in my state where i live in connecticut. you're in an unusual situation, it's an open seat in your race. >> it's an open seat. it's republicans' best chance of getting a seat in connecticut. right now it's controlled by democrats. that hasn't always been the case. >> now, what do you all three believe that your time in the military will do to make you a better member of congress? >> the same way it's helped me become a better father, all right. the reality is it brings a lot of commonsense, all right, to the table, number one. my wife was actually just went, my kids have started kindergarten and she was saying the other day how incredibly expensive things are. when you bring that commonsense, citizen legislature kind of mentality, it can only help. the fact that i'm a lieutenant colonel will bring a tremendous amount of organizational skills, discipline and if there's one talent i've always had and i feel really good about it is i've always been able to surround myself by great people. i was a good commander but i always made myself a point to do that. >> watch out if you make it to congress. last time, i checked the approval rating at congress is 15%, what would make you different? >> i think the word is sacrifice. john 15:13 says there's no greater love to give your life for your brother. every man and woman puts his uniform on puts his hand in the air and says send me, whatever the consequences will be. it's about time we send people like that to congress because there's too many career politicians who aren't thinking about the welfare of the country and instead thinking about the re-election process. we need to have people who are concerned about sacrificing for the good of their nation and not themselves. >> why would you to want do it knowing so many people don't have a high approval rating? >> that's right. we would have a better situation because we know how to work together. veterans know how to put their personal differences aside and fight for the common good. we need more of that in congress today. if you have more veterans in congress, i think you'd have a more smoother and bipartisan situation than you have today. >> such an interesting discussion and we wish you all the best of luck as you continue on your race. thanks so much for being on "fox & friends." >> thank you. >> well, this girl just wanted to have fun. you guys remember cyndi lauper? yep. but, unfortunately, she couldn't remember the lyrics. watch this. >> ♪ for the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ as our flag was still streaming ♪ >> whoopsy daisy. we're going to read your e-mails and your tweets about that. he dropped out of the republican race for president and now tim pawlenty, former governor of n minnesota ready to put his name behind the man he says will be the next commander in chief. an announcement you'll hea only on "fox & friends" moments away. now, when you want powerful wifi, you've got it. with aerizon mobile hotspot, you can connect up to 5 wifi devices to the internet with lightning-fast verizon 4g lte speed. a gaming device. mp3 pler. connect any 5 for wifi on the go. get the 4g lte mobile hotst now for only $49.99. verizon is the place with the largest selection of 4g lte devices. on america's fastest, most advanced 4g network. not a mammal in this household isilling to lay claim to its origin. but now is not the time for blame. now is the time for action. ♪call 1-800-steemer. >> shot the morning to you now. >> you've been assigned to read this every time. >> cyndi lauper, meet the lady that sang the star spangled banner and happened over the weekend at the u.s. open. >> ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ for the ramparts we watch ♪ as our flag was still streaming ♪ >> yeah. >> did she sing on a beach ball? why is she swinging back and forth like that? >> yoga ball. >> she tried to explain later, she tweeted, "the moon shone" i think she meant down on us and i tried to say a prayer at the same time. i hope i didn't he mess up too bad. i wanted it to be comforting. >> now i feel bad. >> true colors. >> that's true. i actually felt bad for christina aguillera. remember when she had the famous flub at the super bowl. you didn't feel bad for her. >> know the words. >> wait until you're up on stage in front of those billions of people. >> i won't be singing at the super bowl. >> in general, a little empathy. here is her performance. >> ♪ o say can you see ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hail ♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes ♪ and bright stars ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ what so proudly we watched ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ >> she was fine until she got into that twilight gleaming zone. >> right? why can't they just put the words on the jumbotron. >> they absolutely could. >> and with the bouncing ball so they know exactly whether to hit what word. >> like chris miller. >> right. >> here's what our e-mails said about this. henry in wichita falls, texas said cyndi lauper from the 80's? where did they dig her up? no wonder she forgot the words. she hasalzheimer's. that's mean. that is not -- that is definitely not my words. i have no association with that e-mail. thank you. >> so that was not a supporter of cyndi lauper because we haven't seen her in a while. >> i say all for re-creating herself. she's still around. >> i know, but she's got those two songs. "girls just wanna have fun" and "true colors" and now the star spangled banner. >> if you go to you tube, i bet the star spangled banner is actually higher in her log of hits now. >> she was fantastic with lou albano who is now dead. >> thanks for that. >> brian, you're fired! >> exactly. let's do some headlines right now. the republican presidential candidates get their chance to make their case against. this time in front of the tea party members. the debate co-consposponsored b tea party will take place tonight. they will take questions on jobs to the candidates' view of the constitution and federal reserves. >> meanwhile, more than 700 people turning out to remember three members of the nevada national guard killed in that shooting spree in carson city at that ihop. lieutenant colonel heath austin kelly, sergeant miranda mccalaney and master sergeant christian reed were among the four restaurant goers killed during the rampage. seven others were hurt. the gunman later killed himself in the parking lot following the eight minute shooting spree at that ihop. >> the 77 u.s. soldiers injured in a homicide bombing in afghanistan over the weekend are all expected to survive. the blast which happened at the gates of a nato compound in the province killed five afghans including a young girl. taliban claimed responsibilities for the attack and vowed to continue fighting until foreign troops leave. >> he is the "jeopardy" playing computer system getting a job at one of the nation's largest health insurance companies now. who is -- listen. >> this person is apointed by a te testator to carry out the directions in his will. >> what is an executor? >> same story. >> watson hasn't been hired by wellpoint but the company is using him to be a game changer in health care. watson's creator ibm won't say how much the company is being paid for the services of watson. >> good news is if he needs health care, he probably just needs oil. oil and toner. >> so if you had the choice between the computer and the guy in the lab coat, who will you pick? i'm going with dr. welby. >> you want to see a real person? >> yeah. >> you're so 1990's. >> let's come into 2012 and look ahead, because he may be out of the g.o.p. race but former governor tim pawlenty is not sitting on the sidelines and he joins us from south carolina with an exclusive announcement for "fox & friends." >> good morning to you, governor. >> good morning. >> we're pleased you would choose our forum to make the big announ announcement. you're not getting back in. >> no, that's not the big announcement. my thoughts and prayers to the victims and family members and others who were impacted by september 11, 2001. i know our nation has been understandably focused on that and i want to add my voice and expression of concern and support and prayer that was impacted by that horrific set of events. >> absolutely. let's move on to the take and you want to say what? >> what i want to say is this. i know all the candidates in the race for president in 2012 and i know them. i respect them. but the next president is going to have to lead on the economy and jobs in a historic way and there's one candidate in this race who is unmatched in his skills and experience and talent when it comes to turning around this economy and growing jobs. that's mitt romney. and i'm proud and excited to endorse him for president of the united states. i believe he's going to be our party's nominee and i think he's going to be a transformational and great president for this country. barack obama's policies have failed. mitt romney can turn this country around because he's a turn around person who has had great success when it comes to growing jobs and the economy. >> i can tell when you're a stage together and since you campaigned against each other before, i can tell there's a real respect, mutual respect between you two. but i was kind of surprised when i saw the card that you were going to make this announcement because i remember when you said obamacare is going to be tough for him to overcome. i know you thought long and hard about that. how do you come to grips with that? >> pretty easily actually. i talked to mitt in some length. for republican voters, one of their main concerns is the repeal of obamacare and mitt romney is 100% dedicated and committed to repealing obamacare. he's said on day one when he's president, he's going to issue executive orders that will give states waivers from obamacare and then he'll take the additional steps to repeal it. he understands and believes and has asserted himself why it's right for states to take different approaches, it was wrong for president obama to try to bring that to a national plan and mitt romney is committed to repealing it and i know and trust that's what he'll do. >> yeah, i know that you will be now his national co-chair so that's a big role for you. does that mean that you are taking yourself out of the running for v.p.? >> you know, i'm not going to consider being v.p. i was down that path once before with john mccain and i'm not going to consider that so i'm going to do what i can to help mitt in this race. but that won't be part of the future for me. >> i remember dick cheney said that. >> that's right. >> well, let's ask you about this. in the fact that you are now throwing your weight behind mitt romney. obviously, when people go to the polls next year, it's going to be about jobs and when you look at the governors out there that created a lot of jobs, john huntsman said at the debate last time as governor he created the most jobs. if you look at governor perry over the last couple of years, i think texas has produced something like 40% of the jobs over the last couple of years. >> in the country. >> yes, but i think the distinguishing factor for governor romney and i know these candidates, i respect them but uniquely, mitt romney in this race has a depth and scope of private sector experience as an entrepreneur, as somebody who is invested in, started and growing businesses and importantly, grown jobs so that's a unique perspective and it's leadership ability with respect to the olympics is really the complete package but his experience in the private sector amongst these candidates is unmatched. >> one thing i need to ask you before you run, governor is during the last debate, governor rick perry, many people thought he stumbled with his social security answer to the question and many other people thought it was a brilliant answer because he was telling the truth that, in fact, he believes that social security is a ponzi scheme. he's written an op ed this morning where he says i'm going to be honest with the american people. the first step to fixing a problem is honestly admitting there is a problem. do you think that he made a mistake in his description of social security? or did the guy that you are now the co-chair forgive the right answer? > >> gretchen, i haven't seen the op ed that governor perry wrote and i know this. governor romney wants to fix social security. he doesn't believe it should be thrown out. he believes it should be reformed and fixed and i think that's the right approach. i think most americans, most republicans understand that we're going to need social security in a reformed and improved fashion going forward. that's what mitt romney supports and that's what i support as well. >> that's one of the things that perry says in the op ed, goal is to fix it and make it work in the long term. thank you very much for joining us from the beautiful town of charleston in south carolina. >> on that last point, governor perry has said in the past he thought it was failed -- >> i'm just reporting what he's saying today. >> i understand. >> he just tries to have the sense that he wants to fix it. that was his goal. he's in "usa today." governor pawlenty, hope to see you again soon. >> thank you. >> right. coming up on the show, remember when the president praised warren buffet for wanting to pay more taxes? that comment could backfire because it turns out buffet's company is not paying all of its federal taxes. >> just off a few billion. and how is this for a side effect? the treatment making regular old cats glow in the dark. >> born on this day in 1931, this crooner has more than 150 hits to his name and often referred to as the greatest living country singer. here's a hint, he's singing us to break. ghghghght clicked for me when i had everything i needed to lose weight right in my hands. sophomore year, started weight watchers online, the weight started coming off. ahh! oh my gosh! 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joining us right now, fox news analyst peter johnson jr. >> good to see you, brian. >> what would happen is he'd probably be re-elected and we'd probably create some jobs in this country. if he's going to take a page out of the new deal, and far left rooseveltian economics and he's going to have the government be the creator of jobs of the first resort, then he should also be able to experiment with something that has worked in the past, regulation cutting and tax reduction so in this jobs bill, i know the president keeps on saying, pass the jobs bill. pass the jobs bill and we'll hear this for the next few weeks. we actually get it tonight. >> i think we're going to get it today. but if there's an effort to say, ok, what i proposed stimuli, stimulus plans, they haven't really worked. we're at 9.1%. the best i'm going to do according to economists with my plan is maybe shave them 1% off that. i'm willing to accept and adopt and implement some of the republican-based plans on tax reduction across the board and on regulation cutting across many agencies. >> what would you say to people who said he did mention he's going to cut some regulations and he did mention tax breaks to small businesses and keeping the payroll tax low? >> he's talking about reducing the social security taxs which is a former short term stimulus. it's not long term stimulus and jobs creation in this country so what i'm saying is if he really believes in experimentation and he's really open to new ideas and he really believes in the ability to have consensus in the country, the republicans can move a little bit in terms of infrastructure, in terms of helping our police and firefighters and teachers, but at the same time, he can move a little bit and say, listen, let's try tax reduction a la ronald reagan, let's see what works. let's see what's best for the country. not best for my electoral hopes, they may be the same thing. >> ok. >> they may be the same thing. >> thank you so much. >> happy to be here. >> we'll see if that happens. >> all right. holding my breath. >> me, too. >> the president praised warren buffet for wanting to pay more taxes. guess what? buffet's company isn't paying all of its federal taxes and haven't for a while. first on this day in 1990, number one song "blaze of glory" by bon jovi! >> ♪ of glory [ male announcer ] heard this one? listen to this. three out of four americans don't get enough vegetables. so here's five bucks to help you buy v8 juice. five bucks. that's a lot of green. go to for coupons. you can count on us. but think about your heart. 2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromisen taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. >> the answer to the trivia question of the day -- george jones. come on. the winner, ronald from jessup, georgia. congratulations. >> most affluent citizens and most profitable corporations enjoy tax breaks and loopholes that nobody else gets! right now, warren buffet pays a lower tax rate than a secretary. an outrage he has asked us to fix! >> all right. president obama once again last week using warren buffet as an example of a billionaire that pays low taxes but turns out, it's not a loophole buffet's company berkshire hathaway is not paying all of their taxes. tell you a little bit more that, columnist for the weekly standard and fox news contributor joins us from his homeland of milwaukee, wisconsin. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> warren buffet says that he's called on now famously billionaires and milliri millioo pay more. when you look at his company, he's been involved in a series of disputes with the irs so his company isn't even paying what they owe. >> he's been fighting to protect his company and his investors from paying the entire amount of taxes that the irs has assessed him and taking advantage of loopholes that are perfectly fine to do but sheltering his money from being taxed at a higher rate so there's certainly, i think, a high level of hypocrisy here for warren buffet to be calling on everybody else to have their taxes raised when he's not paying all the taxes the irs thinks he should pay. >> the americans for limited government says the company has been shortchanging the tax collection agency for much of the past decade. so he might want millionaires and billionaires to pay more but it is ironic that he and his own company apparently have been squabbling with the irs. the good news is, i understand, they will soon resolve their tax issues for 2002 through the year 2004. >> yeah, well, look, i actually -- i think it's a good thing if people are paying fewer taxes. generally, i think that's a good thing. what i have a problem with is warren buffet, you know, sort of sank santimonously telling people they should pay less taxmore ta. there's part of the treasury department that collects money for people who want to pay more taxes. even those millionaires and billionaires, there's even a group that calls on raising taxes on other wealthy people, any of those people at any time they want to, can send a check to this bureau of public debt in the department of treasury in parkersburg, west virginia, at any time, you know how much money that could took in last year, that fund? $3 million. these people don't really want to pay more in taxes. they want everybody else to pay more in taxes. >> no kidding. all right. there you got a little story about warren buffet's company that a lot of people don't know. steven hayes joining us from milwaukee. ank you very much. >> thanks, steve. >> speaking of families, you know the williams family? well, serena williams didn't win at the u.s. open but she surely stole the show. >> her new opponent, the ref and she didn't let up and the president is about to hand over his jobs to all the congress b at the cost of nearly a billion dollars. joining us shortly. ♪ okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole gin oats that can helpower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? 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[ female annncer ] lipitor is not for evyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if y are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. lets go... haha. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk a about lipitor. >> good morning, everyone. hope you're going to have a great monday. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for spending your time with us. president obama is going to hanld his jobs bill to congress. if they pass it right away, he says companies will start hiring right now. businessman donald trump tells us if he'll be hiring as a result. >> meanwhile, weak economy making for an even weaker campaign and campaigns, we're talking all across the board. the president and fellow democrats fearing for their political futures and the numbers don't lie. we'll talk about that straight ahead. >> serena williams has a new opponent, the referee. >> really don't look at me. i promise, you don't look at me. >> and that goes for you two, too. don't look at me. promise. >> hurt your eyes. >> how can it cost her big time? "fox & friends" starts right now. >> hey, everyone. this is cal ripken jr. and you're watching "fox & friends." >> there's good sportsmanship, cal ripken jr. >> notice he didn't make the finals of the u.s. open on the women's side. >> no. >> goes to show you -- >> uh-oh. >> don't go on the inside, that's where i'm ugly. >> we'll show you that rant in a few minutes and you can weigh in and let you gos know what you think about it. in less than three hours, president obama makes another push for his jobs bill before sending it on to congress tonight. will it be enough to boost america from a slumping economy? our own ed henry live for us at the white house this morning. ed, what can we expect the president to say today? >> good morning, gretchen, the president has already faced these tough questions about whether or not this $447 billion jobs bill will really create jobs but he's faced the other big of how he's going to pay for it. will this be more federal spending or will there be budget offsets. last thursday night when he addressed this joint session of congress, the president alluded to the fact that this week he would send the bill officially to congress with actual specific details of how to pay for it. we're now told by white house aides the president will be sending this bill later today to congress officially and as you mentioned, in a couple of hours, he'll be here at the white house talking about all of that and we're going to be looking very closely at those details. he alluded in this speech last thursday night to maybe some changes to medicare, medicaid, maybe changing some tax deductions to pay for this. by the way, a week from today, the president is also going to give -- lay out a much broader plan for deficit reduction, we're told at least $1.5 trillion in cuts on top of the cuts we're supposed to see today and he's going to give that plan to that super committee on capitol hill to give them some suggestions. now, republicans have been saying in recent days they've heard these promises before, they're waiting for the details, guys. >> well, the president also continues his message by hitting the road this week. what else can you tell us about when he actually hits the road, ed, what his message will be, will it be combative, confrontational or just trying to sell the plan? >> i think he did a little bit of both on friday when he was in richmond, he went to the university of richmond and had a lot of young people. some of his big systupporters a it was sort of like a campaign rally. interesting because you remember last thursday night, the president started the entire speech to congress and the nation by saying look, this is above politics but now he's hitting virginia, ohio on tuesday, north carolina on tuesday, those are all big electoral battleground states. you must have a lot of respect at the white house. usually when we toss out to the white house, there's usually a lumberjack competition or a tractor pull. but when he talks -- >> no way. no way. they know what -- i'm better at holding a crowd than cyndi lauper, by the way. >> oh, my goodness! >> we'll talk to donald trump about cyndi lauper shortly. thank you very much, ed. by the way, we're going to talk a little bit about the president's jobs bill with lindsay graham, the senator from the great state of south carolina coming up. meanwhile, extraordinarily, on the front page of the "new york times" over the weekend, they had an item that talked about how democrats are fretting over the president's chances of re-election and what's interesting is they thought a couple of months back, you know, it's going to be a challenging re-election but he'll get re-elected. well, now, given the fact that unemployment is north of 9% or going to stay in that neighborhood through the election, that could be a problem plus the democrats have said in the past there's all these republicans running but nobody's really got a plan. now, suddenly, the two frontrunners not only have plans but they have good records on job creation and they have executive experience, something the president didn't have before he became president. >> who would have ever thought you'd see quotes like this from democrats about the president who is also in their party. in my district, the enthusiasm for him has mostly evaporated. there is tremendous discontent with his direction. and that is from peter defazio, democrat from oregon. even elijah cummings, congressman from maryland, long time supporter of the president has had a few words about him as well that he has to synchronize it with passion and principles. he's got to come back. >> and after that speech, they said it was more combative, tone they like. democrats feel hardened and this is part of the potential script that dana perino laid out for us last week. listen. >> up until now aside from some liberal columnists, you have had most democrats speaking on background because they don't want to insult their presidents and rightly so. but you might hear some louder calls because his popularity now is so far down that it's hard -- he doesn't give them much to sell when they go back to their districts and they're running for re-election and i also think that on the merits a lot of them think that the policies won't actually get them to a job creation path but i believe at the end of the day, next november, they're going to vote for him. >> that's what he said not only last week but in the last hour. it's part of her thinking that the democrats are making the critical comments to the president and turn them around and next week the pundits can say we can start steering him towards re-election. >> there's another way republicans are trying to win a local race, it's anthony wiener's seat. keep in mind how many years and how many elections that anthony weiner won. it was always going to the democrats. now it looks like the republican may win this race tomorrow. he's up against the democrat, 47% to 41%. now some democrats are coming forward in in the state of new york saying hey, we kind of hope bob turner does win because maybe it will send a wake-up call to president obama that we don't like his policies and he needs to make some changes. >> right now, if you're listening on the radio, it's bob turner up by six points with 24 hours before weprin closes the gap, he already has well known democrats on his side. ed koch says i'll go with turner. turner is a successful businessman but relatively new to politics. >> a strategist who has been on this program says he is surprised that the number of democrats who are saying just this. that we hope essentially that the republican wins so they'll start paying attention to what the people want across the country. >> i've never seen this. you actually gave the two handed palm down. >> what's that mean? >> i'm not sure. we'll talk about during the break. >> let's get the body language out here right away. in the meantime, your headlines and latest on a fox news alert. a major explosion marks the nuclear plant in southern france. one person has died. three others are injured. the accident happened at a processing center for nuclear waste and we're told at this point, there's no contamination leaking from that plant so stay tuned to fox during the day. incredible video coming in from florida where a tractor-trailer is on fire. this is i-95 in brevard county. the southbound lanes completely shut down at this hour turning the morning commute into a huge mess. no word of what caused the crash or how the driver of the truck is doing. we'll keep an eye on this one as well. iran says its first nuclear power plant will start producing power today. really? iranian officials say they're starting power production at the plant. the plant was built by russians and russian officials will be on hand for the grand opening. the u.n.'s atomic energy chief says he's growing more concerned about the military aspects of iran's nuclear program. and today at 10:00 a.m. eastern time, the memorial at ground zero will officially open its doors to the public. one of yesterday's most powerful images, a father falling to his knees after discovering his son's name. his name is robert perazza and his son was a trader at cantor fitzgerald. robert says he didn't need a map to find his son's name. he started walking and there it was. the video of robert went viral before the ceremony was even over and before robert even saw it. that will be image on the 10th anniversary that many people will remember. >> sure. >> cantor fitzgerald, oh, my goodness. >> if you're thinking about traveling to new york city and going down, we should point out you've got to make a reservation and i understand that the reservations are already sold out, even though it's free, through the end of the month. >> if you're thinking about coming to new york to see the u.s. open, i got some bad news. there's just one game left and i'm pretty sure the finals on the men's side are sold out. but let's talk about the women's tennis final. serena williams on such a roll. coming back -- i forget the injury, the circulation issue she had in her leg that almost killed her. she's 27 in the world and goes ahead right to the finals and in the end, no one will remember her remarkable run but remember how she lost. >> well, she came out at the gates with the other competitor, really, just beating her. beating her really easily and serena was getting very frustrated. is that why she said this to the umpire? >> all right. brian and i have been in a disagreement about that. >> here's what she said, when she made contact, she hit the forehand and she said come on. you're not supposed to do that. >> the chair -- >> they gave the point. >> that's symbolic to me of the entitlement nation that we live in. bad example for our kids that you don't take any accountability for anything that you've done, you just blame everyone else and you blast everyone else and what about the respect of that umpire? even if she made the wrong call. you can handle it later on. >> that's true in a perfect world. keep in mind that john mcenroe made a career over that and got a rent-a-car commercial for it. the bad boy image, borg, all the players were better than him but they remember the blowup. that will help tennis. >> this also happened at the u.s. open. here's cyndi lauper. >> ♪ for the ramparts we watched ♪ ♪ as our flag was still streaming ♪ >> oh, man, she was a little -- lawner was loopy when it came to the star spangled banner. donald trump, get his reaction straight ahead to this latest singing disaster. >> senator lindsay graham, one of many members of congress getting a first look at the president's jobs plan today. is it really the same strategy or the same old, same old. yesterday doesn't win. big doesn't win. titles corner offices don't win. what wins? 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>> don't go to sleep during this segment. we're looking forward to that. brian will interview them in 30 minutes. were you surprised at all when the president unveiled his plan on thursday night? did anything jump out at you? >> i was surprised that he said you must pass this plan and i don't know what it is. i mean, i was sitting there and i said, you know, what is the plan? pass this bill. i'd like to see it first. here's what i fear. you know, there is an opportunity for infrastructure spending. panama canal is going to expand in 2014 and ships on ocean will be three times the size they are today and all of our ports need to be deepened and expanded to accept these new super cargo ships. i would like to have a national vision about how we've become an export country and change our port infrastructure. i could work with the president on that. here's my fear, because of obamacare, because of the regulations coming out of the e.p.a., because of the uncertainty of the tax code, what will the tax code be in 2013, i'm not sure anything we do is going to create jobs because his policy has stifled jobs creation. until you change his policies, you keep throwing money at this problem, it's not going to change. >> the president will go on this road with this message. have you noticed a different approach as opposed to the debt ceiling debate and the lame duck debacle that we witnessed where both sides are just locked in and -- >> well, he's got his back against the wall. he's trying to sell his presidency here. if you had some cash, would you expand your business not knowing what your tax bill will be in 2013? if you're in manufacturing not understanding what the e.p.a. is going to do with your business, the only way to create jobs is to replace this administration. >> so he says he's going to pay for all of this. >> he says other people are going to pay for this. >> yeah, his -- >> his committee. >> told me that he's going to pay for it. so let's take him at his word for this part of the discussion. >> how? >> if that's the case, right, he hasn't told us yet. next monday he will. let's say it's paid for. would you consider voting for it? >> i would consider working for the president on infrastructure spending. that was our stimulus bill. his $787 billion stimulus bill doubled the size of government. we had a bill that cut infrastructure and he's going back to where we started. i would work with the president but i'm not going to raise anybody's taxes in this environment to pay for it. if you want me to raise taxes on job creators to pay for this bill, i can't help you. >> if someone wants to know what's going on in the international stage especially when it comes to the two wars, you go to the wars, you talk about it in your open. they offer us a way in and they say they're concerned about the massive draw down in afghanistan as well in iraq and it could affect terror here. how do you feel? >> dianne feinstein said that 3,000 troops in iraq -- >> democrat, right? >> she's a good lady and the chairman of the intel committee. if we go down to 3,000, we will not have enough troops to do the missions. we need counterterrorism and intel from the iraqi army, sovereignty and to protect about 30,000 civilians. it would be one of the biggest blunders to lose iraq because you had 3,000 troops when you need 10,000 to 15,000. >> is it a political move? >> i have no idea. no general has suggested anywhere near 3,000 troops. it's ok as commander in chief to disagree with the generals but not ok to take their advice and throw it in the garbage can. no one has suggested anything really from the pentagon below 15,000 to 16,000. it would be a political decision. no one suggested pulling all the surge forces out in september of next year because that shorts the fighting season. it wasn't an option presented to the president. it was an option created by the president. this is the obama-biden plan in afghanistan and 3,000 troops in iraq would be a formula for disaster and iran would love that. they're trying to destablize iraq. >> senator lindsay graham from south carolina, great to have you on set with us. >> thanks for the -- >> stay the whole show. >> thanks very much, senator. good to see you in new york. meanwhile, "new york times" columnist says george w. bush on 9/11 nothing but a fake hero. we're going to get donald trump's reaction and he joins us live. >> and his schools were doing so poorly, many told him to shut it down. next guest did something radical instead. you have to hear it. ♪ it's a new day i never saw myself here. i didn't. but with weight watchers, i can't see myself anywhere else. ♪ i'm feeling good you can be here too. go on join for free. weight watchers pointsplus. because it works. when someone changes lanes without warning? 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well, right now, we're joined by houston public schools superintendent dr. terry grier. thank you very much. >> pleasure to be with you, steve. >> ok, so your program is called apollo 20. and what you're doing is you're using the best parts of charter schools in the public schools. how is it working so far? >> it's working well. we've just finished up with year one. our results, we were tutoring all of the students in grades 6 through 9 and we reconstituted nine of our secondary schools, five middle and four high schools and so we provided a tutor, one tutor per two children for 70 minutes tutorial each day in those nine schools and the results were phenomenal. >> you'll put up a couple of the things that you do there. talk about a longer school year and a longer school day as well. more selective and rigorous hiring of principals and teachers. frequent quizzes and also you talked about the tutoring and what's key, is you have a no excuses culture. you're not going to take if somebody is saying oh, you know, we -- we can't make any head way because we're not getting the help of insert certain excuse there. >> no excuse despite high expectations. it doesn't matter where these children come from, doesn't matter about the educational level of their parents, no excuses and it's been phenomenal the transformation that we're already seeing and we just finished year one. this is a three year project we're working with ed labs, out of harvard university, any -- and i want to be straight. it's not been as easy as it sounds. it's tough. we replace 50% of the teachers in these schools and we replaced all the principals and the assistant principals and politically that's hard work. and we're lucky in houston, we've got a reform minded board of education that cares deeply about all of our children. they have a good strategic direction and plan and this is just one of many really cool initiatives that we have implemented here. >> you are sitting there in texas which is a right to work state so i would imagine you do not have the very powerful teachers unions, you know, up against you on things you want to change? >> well, we have a very influential teacher union. we have a branch here but we are unusual in the fact that our teacher union president gayle falon cares deeply about children and gayle wants our teachers treated fairly but at the same time, gayle has been very supportive of this apollo 20 program. >> that's terrific. and i was reading some of the information from down there in houston and when -- yoknow, you talked a little bit about how you got rid of all the teachers and the principals and then you would rehire them unless when asked, you know, what's the problem? why is the school so -- performing so poorly? if they said well, they blamed it on the kids or they blamed it on the kids' parents, those teachers didn't get rehired. >> no. the teachers that were rehired were the teachers when we asked what do we need to do to get better or why do we think we aren't doing so well? these are the teachers that would say, well, maybe -- you know, maybe we don't have enough time or maybe it's the teachers in the school or maybe we need stronger leadership. it was more about what's going on in the school. it's that no excuses mentality that we were looking for. >> sure. you're just kicking off your second year and we'll have to check in with you at the conclusion of this year to see how it's going. thank you, sir. >> hey, glad to be with you guys. >> terrific. meanwhile, straight ahead, your tax dollars at work again. this time stimulus money, building homes for the homeless. 12 apartments. $4 million. is it worth it? and we've been telling you about "new york times" columnist paul krugman calling president bush and rudy giuliani fake heroes on september 11th. donald trump weighs in on this straight ahead. now, when you want powerful wifi, you've got it. with aerizon mobile hotspot, you can connect up to 5 wifi devices to the internet with lightning-fast verizon 4g lte speed. a gaming device. mp3 pler. connect any 5 for wifi on the go. get the 4g lte mobile hotst now for only $49.99. verizon is the place with the largest selection of 4g lte devices. on america's fastest, most advanced 4g network. ♪ i've been waiting ♪ for a snack like you ♪ to come into my life [ female announcer ] try our delicious spinach artichoke dip with warm pita. new from lean cuisine®. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with the strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. >> well, welcome back, everyone. last friday, i was not here on the show because i had the honor of going home to my hometown in minnesota thursday night where my high school had its first ever hall of fame induction ceremonies and i was so honored to be in the first class of inductees, 24 of us from olympians and skiing, wrestling and soccer, nhl, nfl stars, coaches who dedicated time and energy to their teams and then me. my parents did my introduction. >> that's great. >> while at winoka high, she was valedictorian, homecoming attendant and excellent at boys and socializing. she was also minnesota miss teen and runner-up in the nationals. being as competitive as she is, being second did not sit well with her and i think it planted the idea of some day trying for a miss america. >> are we proud? yes. of her many accomplishments, but also of the fine person that she has become. from the 12th chapter of luke "to whom much is given, much is expected." >> that's fantastic. >> all right. we don't have the video of me accepting the honor? anyway, that happened right after that and i wanted to show it because i embraced my parents. and i just want to say that i'm blessed to have amazing parents. >> that's really nice. >> to my dad, there's not a person in the world that doesn't say he's a stand-up kind of guy, a man of his community and his church and his business and my mom, she's my best friend and my confidant and she always taught me to never give up and there's my sister as well, kris and mom, i use that advice every single day of my life. thank you so much to my community and my family. i'm blessed. >> congratulations. >> hall of famer. the thing is, this is a little bit of a surprise when i see this speech, i thought you got in for wrestling and then to hear you will of the miss america thing, that caught me by surprise. >> you know what they showed? showed videos of me doing push-ups on "fox & friends." maybe i should have gotten in for pushups. >> last hall of fame was much more low key. a guy and a dinner. that is fantastic. >> thank you. >> very nice. >> all right, in the meantime, 25 minutes before the top of the hour and some headlines, we begin with fox news exclusive, former minnesota governor tim pawlenty making a major announcement on "fox & friends." he's announcing that he's endorsing mitt romney for president. >> the next president is going to have to lead on the economy and jobs on a short way. there's one candidate in this race unmatched in his skills and experience and talents when it comes to turning around this economy and growing jobs. that's mitt romney. i'm proud and excited to endorse him for president of the united states. i believe he's going to be our party's nominee and i think he's going to be a transformational and great president for this kunlt. >> governor pawlenty tells us he is not interested in his point at being candidate. >> it's a side of jacqueline kennedy only friends and family knew. now we're getting a glimpse into the private life of the former first lady. in october of 1962, she recalled learning more about the dangers of the cuban missile crisis and she said this "if anything happens, we're all going to stay right here with you. i just want to be with you and i want to die with you and the children do, too, than live without you." that's audio tapes of the 47-year-old interview at the time. she recorded it all and did a lot after the death of her husband. and she said, don't release these until i'm gone and now they're released. this is going to be fascinating. >> cyndi lauper just wants to have some fun, you remember her tune "girls just wanna have fun." she apparently does not want to remember those lyrics to our national anthem. >> ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ for the ramparts we watch ♪ as our flag was still streaming ♪ >> oops. a little flub at the end there. lauper later tweeted the moon shone down on us and i tried to say a prayer at the same time. i hope i didn't mess up too bad. i wanted it to be comforting. i wonder what donald trump thinks about that. is there any nervousness, donald, you're on the phone now or should we just expect cyndi lauper and others to know the words? >> first of all, your parents look absolutely fantastic, gretchen, i have to tell you that and you're very lucky in that way. >> i am. so blessed. >> absolutely great. cyndi on "celebrity apprentice" and she's a great person. she's very smart. and i think she did just wonderfully. right? don't you think? we have bigger problems in the world. >> i'm with you, donald! i'm glad to know you have some empathy in your blood. >> she's great. i got to know her very well and she's a great person. >> i think too much emphasis is put on the actual words in songs. >> sure. >> as long as you follow the tune. hey, donald, let's talk a little bit about this. speaking of bigger problems, a lot of people in this country needs jobs and the president of the united states is going to be sending his half a trillion dollar jobs bill officially to congress later on this evening. you hire a lot of people. did his jobs speech on thursday night to the joint session of congress convince you it's time to hire donald trump? >> i give him full credit but it doesn't discuss the problems. i bought a big winery in virginia, a really big, beautiful winery and i got it at a bargain price. and i just learned that the bottles are all made in mexico and i said what's going on here? can't we order them here? no, no, winery bottles are made in mexico. >> why? >> why? because that's the way the government works. i mean, all our jobs are going out of this country. they're between china and mexico and india and so many other places. and that's the problem we have. we don't -- you know, he's addressing the wrong problem and then he talks about really artificially helping because all he's doing with pouring another $500 billion down the drain is artificially helping. we have to get the country strong again and we have to get our jobs back from other countries. >> so president trump, if it were, what would you do? would you lift the regulations on overseas for companies, the taxes and such? what would get the jobs from overseas to come back home? >> well, a lot of the jobs from, as an example, my pet peeve is china is caused by an artificial, by the lowering of their currency. what they've done is lowered their currency that our companies cannot compete with them so everything gets made in china including myself, i buy a lot of different things in china because you virtually have no option and what we have do is we have to stop that. we have to immediately, by the way, immediately tax chinese products. and you know what the tax should be based on what they're doing and based on their really unfair manipulation, it should be 41%. but i'm a nice guy. you people know i'm nice. i'm only going to make it 25%. >> mitt romney bought that up and john huntsman followed up with him and said listen, you don't want a trade war with china right now, john huntsman, the former u.s. ambassador to china. >> he's wrong. 100% he's wrong. because look, what's a trade war? let's assume we start immediately doing business with china, first of all, china would go bust. they would go bust. they're rebuilding china with us. so china would absolutely virtually go out of business economically. they are rebuilding their airports, their bridges, everything with the money they're making with us and once we're not trading with somebody, it's going to make $300 billion on us right now. they're going to mick a profit, minimum number. that's a minimum number of $300 billion. so when they say, oh, we don't have a trade -- oh, they're ripping us. they're absolute taking advantage of our very nonintelligent leaders. >> speaking of ripping, paul krugman was writing over the weekend on his blog at the "new york times" site and he was talking about the item was called the years of shame and he calls former president george w. bush and rudy giuliani fake heroes. he says here's a quotation. fake heroes like bernie karick, rudy giuliani and george w. bush race to cash in on the horror anthen the attack was used to justify an unrelated war, the neo-cons wanted to fight for all the wrong reasons. >> and he refused to take any comments on his column. your comment, donald? >> first of all, rudy giuliani was a great mayor and did a great job as is michael bloomberg doing a great job as mayor and i don't consider him fake in any way. i find it interesting that i'm defending george bush babs, as you know, i've never been a big fan and i disagree a lot with what they've done with the war and i'm a very militaryistic person. he tried very hard and he worked very hard and i have to tell you, i'm very impressed with him after the presidency. i think he's a man who has really shown tremendous dignity. he doesn't criticize every move that obama makes, everyone else is doing it including me but he doesn't criticize the moves. he knows he's got a tough job and i have great respect for the way that george bush has handled himself after the presidency. >> that's very interesting. >> including playing golf with a man that happens to be sitting right next to you, gretchen. >> right. >> very good, brian. >> did you happened to see that? now, talk about being under pressure, donald. >> he was under pressure. >> brian standing up not only in front of the president but live tv, if he whiffs at that ball, his career is done. >> being somebody that plays golf and understands really the intricacies of golf, i will tell you, he did very well and his swing is looking good. >> the question is, do i get some time to play 36 holes with you maybe an entire weeken and then hang out after and go on my plane -- i mean, your plane. >> any time you want. any time. your game looks very good. i'm very impressed. i mean that george bush has handled himself, i think, with great dignity since he left office. >> his father was the template for him. now, donald, you're going to be very busy tonight. i understand the miss universe pageant is taking to the airways. >> that's right, we have miss universe live from brazil on nbc. and i should be there. but i'm not going to be able to be because i'm trying to create jobs in this country as opposed to brazil. >> good for you. >> and i won't be able to be there but it's going to be an amazing pageant. i hear it's absolutely incredible. >> i heard they're drilling for oil down there as well. >> yeah. >> we're subsidizing the drilling. >> i know there's going to be drilling somewhere. >> we're giving them $2 billion to drill for oil. somebody some day will explain that one. >> i don't think that went over your head. donald, we'll talk to you -- you never know what's going to come out of brian's mouth. we'll talk to you next week, donald. >> thank you very much. bye. >> all right. >> is a good one. we're doing an interview later on for the 15th anniversary of fox, that highlight is just -- >> that's going to make. >> i know a lot about oil. coming up straight ahead, stimulus for the homeless. a $4 million shelter for a dozen people. you don't want to miss this. >> and they're paying tribute to the fallen one step at a time. members of the u.s. air force on a 2,000 mile march from sea to shining sea straight ahead. 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[ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do >> city officials in bethesda, maryland, spending $4 million in tax dollars to build housing for 12 homeless people. that means the shelter costs $330,000 per person. judicial watch president tom fitten joins me now to analyze this. good morning to you, tom. >> hey, gretchen, how are you? >> keep in mind the average median price of a single home is $182,000 and they spent more than $300,000 per person. it's outrageous, is it not? >> it is outrageous and there was a million dollars in stimulus money that went to this project so arguably, the project wouldn't have even happened if it wasn't for the initial federal outlay and it's in a real expensive part of the washington, d.c. area, bethesda, maryland, average housing price is a lot higher than $172,000. but you know this is just the beginning. this is an ongoing operation. so initially, they'll be helping 12 and maybe more but going to require more and more money and, you know, when you look behind the agency that started this in montgomery county, maryland, they received $4.7 million in stimulus money. and, you know, we all want to help the homeless but there has to be more efficient ways to do this. where are the jobs that come from this? this is why the stimulus is such a destructive force. this is not a jobs creating activity. >> so this apparent facility, six studio one bedroom apartments as well as a gym and computer center. i guess what you're saying here, again, we're not against trying to provide housing for the homeless but in a more efficient way. correct? >> that's right. $4 million over $4 million to start for this facility. it needs to be handled over the long -- over the long term and you're going to have more and more money going and now we have obama saying he wants to spend more money to help states keep their employees. well, you know, maybe if they weren't spending $3 million of state money and a million dollars on federal money on 12 people, they might have more money elsewhere to spend on firefighters and policemen. this is an outrageous waste and just the tip of the iceberg as you all have been reporting on the stimulus waste, fraud and abuse. this is not the definition of waste, i don't know what is. >> if it's just one example, you have to wonder how many others are going on across the country. president of judicial watch, thanks for explaining it to us this morning. >> thank you, gretchen. >> and more "fox & friends" two minutes away. sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. 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