The local school board has reversed course and postponed indefinitely a move by some of its members to end a long-standing policy of rotating the chair position by town each year. In a public meeting on Thursday, April 11, members of the Maine School Administrative District 75 Board of Directors voted unanimously to put the […]
I enter morning consciousness: I’m the Ping-Pong Champion (PPC). I exit evening consciousness: I’m not the Ping-Pong Champion (NPPC). I wake up a loser, not a winner. The pattern sometimes doesn’t change and I lose over and over again. NPC, NPC, NPC, NPC. Then Molly hits a slump and I’m PPC. PPC. PPC. PPC! We […]
I am in a sporting goods store looking at artificial lures – specifically, the ones that boast they can catch mighty big stripers. In front of me is a wall display of 6-inch-long pink rubber squids dangling very enticing hot pink tentacles. What phylum they belong to, I know not. Their Latin scientific name? I […]
When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis shipped 50 Venezuelan asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard, I couldn’t help but think of Jesus’ friend Martha. In the Gospel, Jesus visits the home of Martha and her sister Mary. While Mary is listening to Jesus’ teachings, like welcoming the stranger, Martha is preoccupied with cleaning the house and making […]