heather, if this was a different year, those attacks would be very significant. eight years ago when bush ran for reelection, more than 40% of voters said national security issues were most important. today, only 5% say those national security issues matter most. it s all about the economy. gregg: scott ross mawsen, thank you very much, miasmousen reports, always good. as we wrap up, i was curious about why not so much of a convention bounce for either of the candidates. 1976, jimmy cart her a 16-point bounce. reagan in 80, 13-point bounce. mondale, 12-point bounce. dukakis, 18-point bounce. of course, we know what happened to him. heather: i was going to say. we know what happened to him. gregg: that s going to do it for us. are i can rick, arthel nevillek taking over top of the hour we re not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know.
law. all right? and the theory of forfeiture by wrongdoing allows the prosecution to do it this case is whittled down over and over again. gregg: you know what else may be troubling to people, to vigorous defense lawyers, i used to be one, the jurors admitted afterwards, yeah, we did have some knowledge that the fourth wife had vanished. so what? every on the planet knew that. i mean, look, gregg, here is the thing, when i was a judge, i would say to the jurors, look, even if you heard about this case, you promise me that you will make a decision based upon the evidence that you hear within the four walls of this courtroom? gregg: what if jurors said to themselves, he s got to be guilty cause the fourth wife is probable will he dead. that s not right. you ought to be what does that mean? if i tell enough lies that i can t get a fair jury and therefore, i could get away with it? crop on. gregg: speak of which, he could be charged now with stacy
now expected to top one billion dollars according to a media tracking company. both will spend more on air time than they did in the first five months alone. gregg: an iranian pastor sentenced too death has reportedly been released. this from the american center for law and justice. he is 32 years old imprisoned for three years awaiting for execution for refusing to renounce his christian faith. heather: federal police in mexico say they have arrested a suspect in the 2010 killing of u.s. border patrol agent brian terry. it has been the center of a scandal over the gun running sting operation fast and furious. peter doocy has more over this
wouldn t have to pay her divorce money, that i should be able to get away with the murder on the grounds of hearsay? there is something called forfeiture by wrongdoing. you forfeit the right to claim hearsay when you kill the witness in order to stop her from testifying. gregg: the defense still has a shot of getting this conviction thrown out by going up on appeal. there was a motion before the trial ever occurred in which they challenged this hearsay evidence. it wasn t all the way through the court system to the appellate court in illinois. what does that tell you, gregg? gregg: it tells me the supreme court in illinois could decide differently. what it tells us, as lawyers, the of two us, that the appellate courts have already ruled. the motion in limeine said this is allowable and the judge has limited what the appellate court said. gregg: it didn t go to the illinois supreme court, did it? it went to the appellate court. the bottom behind, the hearsay has been allowed
matter, that our national debt has hit $16 trillion on a very first day that the democratic convention met in charlotte. then the american people understand because we are seeing the economy go south and people do not have the consumer power with or purchasing power to buy a what they need. i think the american people will have a real choice this november. they understand and even though tax reform is difficult, there is overwhelming recognition there has to be tax reform on to reduce taxes. gregg: the words trust in politician in my experience are mute liquor exclusive terms. there is a lot of faith going on. lower taxes are good for job creation. lower taxes are good for tax creation. gregg: elaine chao, thanks for being with us. heather: controversy over a new book, accusing the president