Be placed on mute and it will notify you when it is your turn to speak. All callers will remain on mute until their line is open. Everyone must account for the time delays and speaking discrepancies between last coverage and streaming. Its best to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio to avoid audio feedback. The next order of business is item three, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item four, matters of unfinished business. There are no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and regular agenda. First the consent agenda, 5a, approval of minutes from your regular meeting of january 21 and april 7, 2020. Mr. Chair . Madame secretary, do we have any speakers willing to speak on this item . Operator your conference is now if question and answer mode. To summon a
Commissioner anderson. Here. Commissioner harrison. Here. Commissioner mcdonald. Here. Okay. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the may 21st commission meeting. Just a few notes before we get started for the public. Can you hear me, stacy. She is in a different system. Okay. Somebody commented in chat andrew perry. He thinks stacy is on mute. I think she is while she is talking on a separate system to the public. I can see the mute button there. We are now on item 2. The president s report. Thank you very much. The president s report will be very brief. I want to congratulate all commissioners on Technology Skills and being able to get on the call and i want to thank the public for participating remotely. We are trying our best under these circumstances. I want to congratulate all staff and general manager for all of the work getting done during these challenging times, particularly in the broader sense of assisting the mayor and community in trying to solve the broader problems. That
We are placing people into hotel rooms on a daily basis. We have opened four hotel rooms for the noncovid Homeless Population in a very short period of time. There is another one opening today. And more opening over the course of the next week in rapid in a rapid approach. Reporter okay, thank you. That concludes all the questions for todays press conference. I also want to thank john c. Who is troubleshooting our online meetings and ellen mccue from the board staff who are assisting with the Public Comment line. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Yes, mr. President. During the covid19 Health Emergency, Board Members will participate through the Video Conference system to the same extent as if they were physically present in the meeting. Regarding the publics participation and to minimize any uncertainty around which items are accepting Public Comment, there are three public hearings on todays agenda. Two of which are expected to be continued. Item 10, the public hearing on L
Conference system to the same extent as if they were physically present in the meeting. Regarding the publics participation and to minimize any uncertainty around which items are accepting Public Comment, there are three public hearings on todays agenda. Two of which are expected to be continued. Item 10, the public hearing on Law Enforcement staffing and items 11 through 14, the appeal of determination of exemption from Environmental Review. Both items are expected to be continued to the near term. The public hearing that is expected to [inaudible]. Please utilize this information. We will also display it once those items are called. And please feel free to submit your written comments to board. Gov. Supervisors sfgov. Org. Thank you, mr. President. Ok. Thank you. We have a we will be having supervisor fewer sharing an update from the Emergency Operations center. So we will come back to this after our 2 00 p. M. Special order. So madame clerk, before we get started, just a friendly re
I also want to thank john c. Who is troubleshooting our online meetings and ellen mccue from the board staff who are assisting with the Public Comment line. Madame clerk, are there any communications . Yes, mr. President. During the covid19 Health Emergency, Board Members will participate through the Video Conference system to the same extent as if they were physically present in the meeting. Regarding the publics participation and to minimize any uncertainty around which items are accepting Public Comment, there are three public hearings on todays agenda. Two of which are expected to be continued. Item 10, the public hearing on Law Enforcement staffing and items 11 through 14, the appeal of determination of exemption from Environmental Review. Both items are expected to be continued to the near term. The public hearing that is expected to [inaudible]. Please utilize this information. We will also display it once those items are called. And please feel free to submit your written comme