Is the rivalry between telcos and hyperscalers ending and with it the hostility and suspicion? Could be. The old anti-hyperscaler rhetoric has reduced noticea…
Private networks are all the rageA growing number of enterprises see value in having their own wireless networkA broad range of companies believe they are best…
This year marked a turning point for the big North American telcosWhere once both Verizon and AT&T saw their futures in content along-side their traditional mo…
Jan 15, 2021
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Event highlights
What were the main bones of contention during the recent Great Telco Debate? Motions were discussed, argued for and against, votes were counted and opinions shared on topics such as open networking, the telco/hyperscaler relationship, investment models, sustainability efforts and more. Check out this short video for some key takeaways from network operators, technology developers and industry commentators.
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