A Qld listing has claimed that the world’s most controversial royal couple were ‘impressed’ by this island escape. So is this the perfect place for a ‘Worldwide Privacy Tour’?
School attendance and youth crime are at crisis point in Halls Creek. But as community leaders strive for solutions, there are glimmers of home for this troubled town.
Aboriginal peoples who lived on the north coast were the only ones to encounter foreign visitors before European settlement. Seagoing Makassarese traders from the Indonesian archipelago began making regular visits to Arnhem Land sometime before the 1700s to harvest bêche-de-mer (sea cucumber, or trepang) for export to China. They had a powerful impact on local art, music, ritual, and material culture. In the northeast, on Cape York Peninsula, Papuan visitors from New Guinea also had an influence; bows and arrows, dugout canoes, masked ritual dancing, and the use of the drum can all be traced to them. Yet these influences