body, where to hit them, how much inches to the heart, hit them in the jugular vein, the vital arteries. you learn all of them. the weapons, you learn which weapons to use to affect a kill. an effective kill in the yard you get a metal piece. and go straight to the heart. then have you other weapons like spears, cross bows. they don t really do no damage, but when you mix it with poison, say when you got caca and pee and let it sit for a little bit, put a little salt in there and it turns white on top, take the white stuff and put it on the dart. you give it to the individual, it gives them gangrene. and then it kills them. we re going to stop this interview, there s going to be several other interviews we
there, and i would watch them die. i don t care about them. when i came to this yard, i surrendered a lot of stuff. you know what i mean? my name is gone, i had a good name in prison. i was always respected. i lost all that. i don t care about that. what i care about now is me, timmy duncan. i don t like those people, but i don t have to associate with them. i can t tell you ten people s names, i ve been in this building two years. i survive with prison industries. i go to work 13 hours a day, i put the blinders on and i have to focus on me. i make about $250 a month. i take care of the whole building as far as the electrical, the plumbing, keep all the machinery on line so the production can continue. mentally, it keeps me out of this world. prison jobs provide the inmates with small paychecks. for tim duncan, this money affords him basic necessities.
they don t have the leadership in their organization. their rule of thumb is, that majority rules. if there s issues on the yard they have to try to resolve, the bulldogs would get together and take a boat, if you will. and the majority rules to go with that, there s no set leader of bulldog. if a bulldog has a chance to attack a southern hispanic, it s on sight. if they can get away from staff during an escort, a door accidentally pops, anything. if there s another bulldog they re going to go at it, attack each other. we met robert galvan, a bulldog locked up in the shu, for numerous attacks on other inmates. bulldogs are at war right now with everybody.
it s a full programming yard. it s dropouts. people would have problems on the gp yard. mixture of some sex offenders. people who dropped out of gangs. no longer want to play in the politics of the gp yard. it s an interesting mixture, you ll get a lot of old time heavy duty gangsters who have gotten too old and don t want to be involved any more along with those sexual predators. the peculiar mix of inmates on the sense tv needs yard isn t celebrated by everyone. we ran into an inmate who dropped out of the aryan brotherhood gang who reluctantly calls this yard home. it s a cesspool of society on in yard. child killers and all of that. if i had known it was like this before i came out here, i would have stayed on the main line. most of these people out on this yard, they could die right
we re headed over to c facility. it s a full programming yard. it s dropouts. people would have problems on the gp yard. mixture of some sex offenders. people who dropped out of gangs. no longer want to play in the politics of the gp yard. it s an interesting mixture, you ll get a lot of old time heavy duty gangsters who have gotten too old and don t want to be involved any more along with those sexual predators. the peculiar mix of inmates isn t celebrated by everyone. we ran into an inmate who dropped out of the aryan brotherhood gang who reluctantly calls this yard home. it s a cesspool of society on in yard. child killers and all of that. if i had known it was like this before i came out here, i would have stayed on the main line.