nonviolent crimes and parole violations. corcoran s gang population has grown so large that even a level one yard isn t free of politics. we received the information off an inmate on our northern image on here, how to behave and not cooperate with staff. in conjunction with my staff. we talked about the northern infraction on the yard. i ve asked them to start searching these guys, and find out what s going on. it s really indicative of these inmates that they write this small so it s hard for you to read. you have to look in the smallest places to find these things. sometimes they re just in the most commonplaces. this one i can t get out. usually it s the code of conduct or hits they want taken care of on the yard. or background checks on other northerner s that hit the facility. for a level one yard, we re hard on these guys.
found out about my charge, he d go off on me. nerve wracking. it keeps you on your toes every day. other than that, if no one finds out for 9 years, 3 months, i may be able to fool them, but i highly doubt that. next on lockup, extended stay. a rare glimpse into the process of dropping out of a gang, where an inmate risks his life by giving up vital information to officers. you learn which weapons to use to affect a kill and which ones not. to effectively kill in the yard, you ll get a piece. christian finds himself in a life threatening situation. it was either kill or die, that was it. i tried it and my body felt so right, for a change. and then there s you. why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but that comes with age, right? wouldn t you like to feel great? just because we re in that over 50. what does that mean? are we done?
so large, no part of the prison is safe from the politics. before officer garcia and the igi staff consider putting former gang members together on the sny, they must be convinced dropouts are sincere in their desire to leave the gang lifestyle behind. after the debriefing interviews have been conducted and the inmates have been approved, they move into the integrated yard program. this is phase two. what they have to do, is come over to this yard. it s an integrated yard program. they re going out to the yard with everybody that they used to, you know, consider their enemies. they all go out here. they all get along. they house them differently. you have blacks and whites together, hispanics and whites. it s basically our attempt to see how sincere they are in debriefing. if they re born and bred in this gang to know these guys are
there, and i would watch them die. i don t care about them. when i came to this yard, i surrendered a lot of stuff. you know what i moon? my name is gone, i had a good name in prison. i was always respected. i lost all that. i don t care about that. what i care about now is me, timmy duncan. i don t like those people, but i don t have to associate with them. i can t tell you ten people s names, i ve been in this building two years. i go to work 13 hours a day, i put the blinders on and i have to focus on me. think about $250 a month. i take care of the whole building as far as the electrical, the plumbing, keep all the machinery on line so the production can continue. mentally, it keeps me out of this world. prison jobs provide the inmates with small paychecks. for tim duncan, this money affords him basic necessities.
found out about my charge, he d go off on me. nervewracking. it keeps you on your toes every day. other than that, if no one finds out for 9 years, 3 months, i may be able to fool them, but i highly doubt that. next on lockup, extended stay. a rare glimpse into the process of dropping out of a gang, where an inmate risks his life by giving up vital information to officers. you learn which weapons to use to affect a kill and which ones not top effective kill in the yard, you ll get a piece. christian finds himself in a life threatening situation. it was either kill or die, that was it.