I HAVE received several messages from friends in the US and Australia regarding a recently released military issued video regarding the development of the Divert Facility on Tinian.
FOUR years ago, two candidates told Variety that the 2018 election was “the most challenging” and the “nastiest so far” because of the “false accusations” and “misinformation” that also targeted
THE Governor and his Lt. Governor need to start RESPECTING the People of the CNMI and STOP insulting our intelligence with their poli-tricking antics and lack-there-of ANYTHING by the Lt.
I’M sure most readers are anxiously waiting to see what is going to happen in the Senate because it is not only the Governor on Trial but the Senators are
THIS is a formal reply to the 3,101 words of opinion by the Governor’s Emissary “deflecting & gaslighting the Governor” in an attempt to sway Public Opinion in favor of