Vice president M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday, referring to the hijab row in Karnataka, slammed the unnecessary controversy that erupted in the state and said t
The pre-University education board had released a circular stating that students can wear only the uniform approved by the school administration and no other religious practices will be allowed in colleges.
Amid the ongoing hijab controversy in Karnataka, the Education Committee of the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has issued an order asking its education department officials to ensure that no student comes to its schools in religious attire.
An application for impleading of Muslim Personal Law Boards has been moved by All India Bar Association (AIBA) in Karnataka High Court, which is presently hearing several pleas into the hijab row.
Amid the hijab row, senior advocate Devadatt Kamat appearing for a petitioner told the Karnataka High Court on Thursday that the government order is illegal.