The Chief Minister, after declaring the state as totally e-governed, said it would not only create a network of government offices and citizens, but would use technology for Kerala's development and empower the people by bridging the digital divide.
The government will not stop and rest on its laurels and would focus on ensuring that services reach the masses instead of the people having to knock on the doors of departments for the same
He also listed out the other government initiatives like a single-window portal called e-Sevanam for delivering as many as 900 services which would soon be extended to taluk-level offices.
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday declared the southern state as India s first fully e-governed state where an entire range of government services have been digitised so that they can be provided to the citizens promptly and transparently.
Kerala is making significant strides in the technology sector, with the state being designated as an e-governance jurisdiction on Thursday, while the Kerala Fibre Optic Network (KFON), which promises high-speed internet to all, will be launched on June 5. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who formally announced Kerala as a total e-governance state on Thursday, highlighted the