Kevin Can F K Himself episode five
Image: Zach Dilgard/AMC
Kevin Can F K Himself’s fourth episode, “Live Free Or Die,” planted sufficient seeds to show Kevin as an emotionally manipulative abuser who successfully isolated Allison, “New Patty” cements the idea. He is so upset at her and Patty for not bringing him a Top Dog burger (gobbled up by the two teens they drove around in Vermont looking for pills) that he kicks Patty out of their hopeless little friend group. He’s probably galloping away on his high horse and thinking what a monumental loss for her this must be. Patty is definitely more hurt by this than she lets on, because Kevin also went ahead and destroyed her reputation and relationship with Kurt. She is finally fully comprehending what Allison means when she says if Kevin isn’t the center of the world, he burns it down.