with most of america. they push this agenda and i think you will have upset folks saying why didn t you go after the best return? it doesn t eliminate this from being something you can invest it. it says the main criteria is goth the best rate of return. gillian: look at this. global assets projected to rise, investments in esg. in 2021 there were about 18 1/2 trillion dollars. by 2026, $33.9 trillion. that s a big increase. i wonder why you can t have both. why somebody can t have a financially responsible retirement portfolio that earns them money but also pays attention to important social issues? if it s a better return.
think he was a jerk. art squad, starring senator jesse helms. will not be seen tonight. that was a long time ago, and it might have been a punch line then, but it s still happening now. when you have someone in goth telling you what they think art is, well, they ve lost the threat. we don t hire them and pay them with our tax dollars to lecture us on what is art, what books we should read, or heaven forbid use their powers to start banning books, which is already happening right here in america. that brings us to a special day here on the beat. it s chai day. political strategist chai komanduri, works on three campaigns including the obama campaign. welcome back, chai. i m, good, ari, how are you? i m great.
is going on . the investigat e is stills bran ongoing, but the captain of new maui flight was brand new . there was a new hire. alm first officer in f my understanding is that we almost lost an airplanode for no good reason.k course both have been sent back to goth through the four week course. the new hire here on my fleet hu is a nightmare. it took them 50 hours to get through initial operating experience. worse yet, talking to his them ended up in the dirt. not on twenty five landings in the simulator, fifteen ended up in the dirt. no thet one of them wass ra on the center. one of the runway, they said, oa is radioed wort ofk is like thaf a private pilot. he has no situationali m ju awareness. d united i m jump seating to sfo right t now. united be tripleriple 7 firs set officer is next to me. she said the training is totally inadequate. for new hires. her husband helps train them ata piited s in-house pilot academy . aviad he s constantly asking these kids who come inacademyi,s a
has a little baby bump. my daughter says to me momma, is she having a baby? i said she just had a baby. i don t think so. we got on the text change with the whole family i said is she having a baby and social media goes crazy. everyone else is having the same conversation. and then her publicist reveals after the performance yes, she is having a baby. steve: and she hasn t performed in public for a very long time. ainsley: that s right. steve: this is the return. and what a spectacular show. ainsley: by the time you get a little bump. you have been pregnant for a few months. she had her baby nine months ago and goth immediately got pregnant again she is going to be a busy mom. congratulations to her. there is nothing better in life. commercials were great. ben affleck and jlo commercial. steve: can you get me a glaze? we will show you some of that coming up. brian, you were down on the field you got some wonderful interviews with the players. with donna kelsles kelce playin