she tan, stood out, beautiful. a playboy ten. model wannabe a playboy who loved to wannabe, who party, maybe a little too much. loved to party. maybe a little too much. i m freaking i am freaking out, it s not like out, it is her to be gone that not like her to be gone long, the medical for this long. the examiner is back on the medical phone and says we examiner says are sending a detective. my heart sinks. we re sending a detective. my heart just sinks. he we pulled pulled a photocopy out of her hearing and a photocopy of her i knew it was her. earring. and i knew it was and police her. and police thought they knew who thought they knew who killed her. they were killed her. they having an argument he grabbed were having an argument, her arm, that s when i he grabbed her arm, that s called security. when i called security. i just said i he said, i hope we don t find that you did it. hope we don t find out you did it. we were we were sitting there,
kevin klym: i m freaking out. it s not like her to be gone this long. hello i m andrea canning and the medical examiner gets back on the phone and says, this is decline. she was a knock, outstanding. she stood out, tan, beautiful. a playboy model wannabe who loved to party, maybe a little too much. i m freaking out, it s not like her to be gone that long, the medical examiner is back on the phone and says we are sending a detective. my heart sinks. he pulled a photocopy of her hearing and i knew it was her. and police thought they knew who killed her. they were having an argument he grabbed her arm, that s when i called security. i just said i hope we don t find out you did it. we were sitting there waiting and watching and then when we saw what we said wow, it was her. who was that stranger walking with her? the person in the sketch is seen walking towards paula and then they turn and walk off together. hello and welcome to dateline, she was no stra
okay. okay: yes. yes. oh. jesse: certain fashion always makes a comeback and so do certain politicians. it s one of the most indelible images in modern politics that 2,000 convention kiss. jesse: i m sorry, we should have had a viewer warning up there. al gore back like a bad fashion trend. we thought we had stuffed him back in the closet. you know, with the moth balls. buff, since biden is in quarantine the networks booked al gore this weekend. the most boring politician of all time took a victory lap to say that he was right all along. he told you it would be hot in the summer. well, the scientists have predicted these extraordinary and catastrophic events for going on decades now. and the fact that they were dead right, maybe a little conservative even in their projection should cause us to pay more careful attention to what they are warning us about now, the survival of our civilization at at stake. jesse: where was al gore doing that hit from? outer space?
she had last seen her sister with kevin that christmas out of family get together. they seemed happy together, no sign of the behavior that got both of them arrested for domestic violence before. if they re going at it like cats and dogs why are they staying together, kelly? i don t know, i really i asked myself that question now. but when they weren t drinking they got along great. kelly said paula was also taking prescription diet pills to stay in shape for her modeling and dancing careers. you know the combination of that and they kind of got crazy. kelly shrugs off her sisters reported broken nose. from what i ve been told that was an accident. and the text message from paula to an old boyfriend saying she feared for her life, that turned out to be less than advertised. it was moldy old and the source of it was the same boyfriend who was jailed for having sex with a minor when paula was just 14. kelley doesn t make apologies for her sister s lifestyle choices, the
jesse: how did they solve them and are they willing? does the times square to find out. what is your purpose purpose in this life? have fun and live every day to the fullest. if jesse goes to jail could they come out? jesse: they d probably lock me up. what s the biggest mess you d find yourself in? i have here a list. i have been arrested. got crazy.