Bollywood and Marathi film actor Amruta Khanvilkar has been roped in to play the lead role in the film. Planet Marathi is known for films like Chandramukhi, Goshta Eka Paithanichi and Pondicherry.
On the theatrical release front, Planet Marathi has brought to life a variety of cinematic spectacles right from experimental content to period drama magnum opus films by investing in high production value and marketing efforts. Its extravagant relea
The year 2022 was the year of Marathi entertainment, as the industry produced an incredible volume of groundbreaking theatrical and web content. A large percentage of these releases were from the Planet Marathi alone, which owned the space with break
Akshay Bardapurkar, the man behind changing the face of Marathi entertainment received the highest honours for ‘Goshta Eka Paithanichi’ by the hands of The President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu.