Santa Claus arrived in the Village of Goshen aboard a shiny, red fire engine to meet a welcoming crowd with many children, along with their parents and friends, who also came to Village Park to see li.
A live concert featuring Miss Maybelle and the Jazz Age Artistes is coming up at Goshen Public Library & Historical Society on January 14 at 2:00 p.m. The group is comprised of traditional jazz player.
A dedication ceremony to encase a time capsule for 47 years was held by the Friends of the Goshen Public Library and Historical Society on Oct. 29.This capsule is scheduled for opening 50 years after .
The annual Goshen ornament has arrived. This year’s ornament features Goshen’s Music Hall. Linda Mabie, formerly of Linda’s Office Supplies & Gifts, is continuing her tradition of selling the ornament.