SEVEN artists will be exhibiting at Goring village hall over the bank holiday weekend at the end of this month. It will be the seventh year of the show, which i.
A VETERAN runner was thrilled to be the first woman home in the Goring 10km on Sunday. Katherine Stream, 53, from Wokingham, finished in a time of 40 minutes an.
A CRAFT fair in aid of Goring Primary School will take place at the village hall next Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm daily. Stallholders will be mainly se.
HUNDREDS of people attended Goring’s Great Big Green Day on Saturday. The event in Rectory Garden included a toy swap and apple pressing using an upcycled.
MORE than 200 people took part in this year’s Hairy Legs challenge in Goring. The event took place at Sheepcot recreation ground, off Gatehampton Road, on.