Google on Tuesday announced to introduce UPI Autopay on Google Play in India. The feature would help people to make recurring payments using any UPI appication that supports it.
Google has already integrated 1000 popular languages across the world into Google Search, despite the criticism about their functionality. The Models of language were reportedly facing some flaws, like re-enacting harmful societal biases like xenophobia, racism and more.
What is Google s new skin tone scale and how it fights colour bias - Google s Monk Skin Tone (MST) Scale is a 10-point skin tone scale that aims to be more representative of those with deeper skin shades.
This new feature has taken some time to make its way to the Android app and Google first announced the feature at Google I/O in May 2021, and it came to Google s iOS app in July.
Google’s Android app to let you delete last 15 minutes of search history - Know how - Google first announced the feature at Google I/O in May, and it came to Google’s iOS app in July.