want to participate in said victories. so where does that leave the democrats david? well listen joe manchin himself has talked about maybe we could bring the threshold down for the filibuster down to 55. but i tend to agree with that column which i don t think you get five republicans so we have for the filibuster around judicial nominations. i think we might have to get creative. we have to protect our democracy and the right to vote. we are willing to do that. i think we ought to get rid of it entirely but at the very least we have to do what s required to save this democracy which is not just protecting voting rights, as important as it is. all around the country, republicans want to seize control of who decides who wins elections and that is the most damaging thing. and so i think if this congress leaves without passing anything that fights back and against republicans and what they re doing, you re gonna have to look at things like bringing down the number but eventually i thin
state by state court battles dragging out and potentially dragging under voting rights? absolutely. i mean, if the voting rights act does not pass. if they re not able to pass some significant version then it ll be up to the states to really implement the mechanisms for voters and that s very very dangerous. we have so many states. these voter suppression laws like we re in right now in georgia and it s detrimental to the voters. these voter suppression laws were detrimental. they really believed people s right to vote and their draconian and if there is not federal law that s comprehensive then it will definitely set democracy behind and people s right to vote and that would be a travesty. so many people have died for the right to vote and this would be awful. and all the questions revolving around how does joe biden get there, senator cinnamon wrote for the washington post tonight.