tell, it is to keep the voters miserable. it seems democrats misery because it s demoralizing and the more demoralized the populace feels, the more powerful the parties politicians become. as a result, take your average democratic voter and there is one. have you ever noticed how modern progressives seem so unsatisfied? they seemed anxious of unhinged, little angry nose rings, purple hair. a recent survey by yougov found that liberals were roughly two times less likely than conservatives to feel completely satisfied with their lives. now liberals also reported feeling less satisfied with their own mental health. i ll back them up on that and their family lives and you can see why their entire belief system is in part dedicated and predicated on the idea that the world is about to end due to climate change. it s been in the schools forever. they re hearing it from powerful politicians like aoc, and it means they re willing to do anything, even destroy priceless torrico pieces
we wanted to know, now is yourrp security detail going to stop ro with their high powered rifles to protect you ? office a response from his office. quote, we don t comment on matters related to th e primeto kee minister s security. so in other words, the people in power get to keepguns the gu the people lose theirs in this country, unlike canada, we have a second amendment. you d like to think that and would be protected with your second amendment from your guns and be able to have a gun politician who wantyour cl to suspend your civil liberties. well, you have a second amendment that wouldn t be ablht to do it. bil but as justice scalia famouslytw said , the bill of rights is just words on a papert protei without the government that really kills it but cares about ng ghtsprotecting your rights, you lose your rights. and that s what s happening right now. j ay ithis week, jay inslee, the governor of washington, still signed a law banningg semiautomatic rifles, which he calle
exception of the irs agents. the s yet here suddenly was that very same station, national urgn public radio, positively urging transpolar people to buy guns as many guns as possible and if necessary, to use them. the world is dangerous, explained one trans gun you have to be dangerous us, is united states back and that seems strange to us. is the united states reallyas a dangerous place for trans people?t well, west baltimore is dangerous. you could easily get murdereerer there. but if you re trans in this country, obviously there are many downsidess ther. but there do appear to be some benefits. it s a lot easieo har to get int harvard, for example. it s definitely easier to get a job at citibank or in the biden white house if t you re transgender can so muchan as fly a kite, the pentagon will happily make you an f thirty five pilot just so hollywood can make a movie about it, identifying as trans whatever . again, its downsides does convey status in th
forced to spew her hateful anti semitic rhetoric someplace else. we have full details coming up straight ahead. but first, we have more big news from zero experience. hunter biden, after years of having his precious good nameno we have some news ofgood nameno and reputation sullied by his father s political enemies for absolutelyr , positively no reason at all whatsoever. hunter is now fighting around hr back with a team around him, or at ls how the mediaound him, or mob is trying to spin it. it looks like it might be true.i and letters popping up here and there and everywhere to the doj, the irs anyway,g it hunters laj, the irs anyway,g it hunters ma disinformation of material on hunter by his laptop from .h this is where it gets interesting at the veryg to same time, hunter s camp is actively refusing to admitctl that the information on the laptop actually belongs to huntebelongr, even though onf the lawyers, well, seemed to clearly indicate that it wasd his laptop and that
election. we also that the grand jury waaa empaneled by a soros funded d.a. called alvin bragg, who looks and acts like ta tawanna brawley era, alvidenc sharpton. so we would assumee on the bass of that evidence that it s pretty likely trump does get charged with something at some point. but charged with what? in a fre that s the question. that should matter in a free country, laws or universal laws apply to all citizens equally precisely because all citizens i are considered equal forou generations. this was very obviouss to ami to american liberals. in fact, iact was the basis ofel their worldview that was back when liberals opposedas jim and we re notet tryinhing cg to reinstate it as something called equitequiy. we are not liberals, but we retain the traditional american view, which is that laws must be applied equally or else they are not laws at all. justice must be blind or elsejut it is tyranny. so we spent the day with helpp f staff toyer on our staff t