Press Conference: Tarboro meets media after 1AA championship win
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Tarboro head football coach Jeff Craddock and some his players met with the media following the Vikings win over East Surry in the 1AA state championship game.
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Mhm Left three out of the last four. Yeah. It was wonderful brief opening statement. If you would just enter to your players before. Okay. Um, I m going to introduce them. But anyway, it s a great game. We ll start off with that over the last three years. You have a great respect for East Surrey and our football program coach Loman. They do a great job over there. They got great kids. Um, some of them have, you know, my son Clay rooms with one of the players from last year, Dylan Mosley, their roommates. Um, but I thought they kids played hard, but I really just felt like we had such a great week of practice that we just want to be denied today. Great sen