over to the university. also tonight, big breaking newsn from jim jordan surrounding bigt tech in the federal government. hevernment will join us and tell about it. and nikki haley, she will joins only hours after now announcing her run for the presidencyhourse we ll talk to her. and the great one , mark levin,l will weigh in on joe biden.n jo china, a combination that is now more dangerous than ever. at idangerouthanbut tonight, mot threats from the communist party of chinat threat. ul you would think that they they ate the ones that shot down our spy balloon at thi ts point, the way they re acting on top of more promises ofagains surveillance against us , more spying against us ,t or more hostility in the pacific and more pollution and more debt and more suffering. was don t forget, it was china that created covid-19. they unleashed it on the world knowingly over a million americans died, in part becauseu of china. if your parents, your grandparents died, your friends, fami
since president biden was sworn in while china president xi, they have repeatedly tested the u.s., the spy balloon was just the latest stunt. but predictably, biden is doing nothing in response. so what s goinnse.g on withder n our commander in chief? c to here now to weigh in, the hosthe of the number and weekend show here on fox life, liberty levin. of course, he has his ownyndica nationally syndicated radio show. i call him the great one .teow, caheyou know, mark, i don t know what s worse. the fact that they sahey nowk which they didn t say last week that they saw when the balloon t tookhe off long before it gotka to alaska and then down to the d continental us all the way out d the coast of the carolinas or so that they shot down three othern objects that they don t even thw know what they shot down. are but they are saying definitively, yeah, but ity it wasn t chinese w. i don t know what s worse.y o what say you, sir? i say well, i say they lie and they cover up, whether i