i m craig melvin and i m natalie morales. and this is dateline. the neighborhood ha everything a burglary wanted t find, private yards, wealthy homes and she had the worst o possible luck, in that h picked her yes i d like to report an attempted break in - a mother, home alone. cops raced to her front door a she walks into an ambush in he backyard how does somebody die in matter of seconds with officer around her home? it was surreal, it wa awful. your first thought of tha time it s a burglary gone wrong. but the burglar caugh red-handed starts pointing fingers. this is a guy who aspire to be a hit man - she was a sitting target. does it now mean that you charge them all with effort now the detectives lay a trap we triedd to play cat and mouse. we re getting reall paranoid about being - one are you wired will they catch their prey? you hold your breath, the world s gonna stop this. you never think it s goin to be you. oh no
does it now mean that you charge them all with effort now the detectives lay a trap we triedd to play cat and mouse. we re getting reall paranoid about being - one are you wired will they catch their prey? you hold your breath, the world s gonna stop this. you never think it s goin to be you. oh no no. the young man is right in fact, this is the kind of thing that just doesn t happen to anyone. no, never never would ve thought i would ever see anything like this. no, not here. not in this neighborhood, in this house but certainly not, surely not,