he was fire and brim stone, passionate, hard. and he had all these people come to him. why did he resonate when so many others don t in. he ll tell you, you will see this november 7th. it was god that did it. he gives god the credit. the billy graham you will see is bily graham sitting in his home saying complaining what he said 30 years ago but it is more of a grandfather talking to you. it is very compelling. everything he says in his book, it is a last call to america. trying to wake our country up. we have turned our back on god. we see the mess in washington and all the problems that they re having. we have taken god out. and you haven t heard one person in washington say, time out, guys. let s get on our knees and call on the name of the almighty god and ask him for help.
crime in america has more than doubled. it s come down from its worst in the late 80s and early to mid 90s. but we are talking about 1.2 million violent crimes a year. almost 15,000 murders a year. and this, as horrible and this is amongst the most horrible i have ever imagined, this is the 18th mass murder event of this year. and the year isn t over. > shannon: have we become untethered from our moral or spiritual, even our family bonds, our community bonds? i think we have. i think that s actually a missing element of the coverage so far. although i hope, going forward, we ll talk more about the spiritual issues because in the end, this isn t primarily a gun control or mental health issue, those are the issues that should be discussed. we are talking about the moral and spiritual disarmament. people are driving god out, saying christ shouldn t be in
in a year, what you ve got to race as close as this is and catholics are 25% of the voters n a twinge state, if you got catholics and they don t believe in same sex marriage, the inclusion in the platform of the democratic platform, taking god out initially out, they say i m going to align myself with the catholic more like me. bill: that lady did. when you look at the recent survey. this is from pugh, how many catholics favor same sex marriage? 58%. bill: a lot of liberal catholics. no doubt about it. that s much higher than those who favor abortion or contraception. where is obama down this year? when he ran against mccain, it was 54-45. this year they re 50-50 at the top of the ticket. catholics for romney and for obama. there is a swing issue there. bill: also you know, joe biden is a pro choice guy. but he wasn t. in 1982, biden voted for
both parties were trying to get to it s a difference between the policyic politics of the parties versus the governing policies of the nation and both parties were struggling with that and there were people in both parties who had decided views about it. steve: then why do they spend months figuring out what the platform is? because this was a completely self-inflicted wound taking god out, taking jerusalem out. they didn t have to do that! steve, absolutely agree with you there. these things are normally decided and caught way before the time you get to the convention. this was a self-inflicted wound. yes, there will be a political consequence gretchen: will it affect the jewish vote? i don t think so. i just don t get a sense i think most in the jewish community who understand the politics and the policy of this will understand what this was
against gay marriage and against abortion and immigration. they were already going to vote gop. if you want to vote for the militant middle why have the social issues so strictly that plank has always been the same. that is because many republicans believe in god and actually believe life begins at conception and ends in natural death. that is the irony here. the most extreme position apart from extracting god out of the platform, the extreme position of either platform, geraldo is the abortion any one any time anywhere. i mean really for sex selection purposes? really in late term partial birth where the health of the mother is not in jeopardy? all we want to do. geraldo: those are horrible. but that is the democratic position. their official position on abortion. any time. anywhere. geraldo: it doesn t say that in their platform. we support the right of a woman to choose what she does throughout her pregnancy. that includes during the 8th