against gay marriage and against abortion and immigration. they were already going to vote gop. if you want to vote for the militant middle why have the social issues so strictly -- >> that plank has always been the same. that is because many republicans believe in god and actually believe life begins at conception and ends in natural death. that is the irony here. the most extreme position apart from extracting god out of the platform, the extreme position of either platform, geraldo is the abortion any one any time anywhere. i mean really for sex selection purposes? really in late term partial birth where the health of the mother is not in jeopardy? all we want to do. >> geraldo: those are horrible. >> but that is the democratic position. their official position on abortion. any time. anywhere. >> geraldo: it doesn't say that in their platform. >> we support the right of a woman to choose what she does throughout her pregnancy. that includes during the 8th