and they lie. i was on the u.s. ping-pong team. it is still a great thing. wikipedia is as impressive as the pyramids and not crumbling and controlled by corrupt governments. i think it is the mostal true wis stick endeavor i have ever seen. please. bill, the fact is isn t wikipedia helped you write articles? no. and i refuse to give this organization any publicity until you take bill shultz is a d-bag off my page. as soon as it goes down you know i put it back up. what is the guy that runs it? jimmy wikipedia. brilliant mind and bad taste in women. time for another break. and remember to check out the new red eye pod cast. there is a new one every day. go to fox news radio .com. tonight we talked about music by a talking bull.
direction because that is different. it is like rich kids drinking pabst. you lived with him for a um could years and he had sunk pretty low. he thought you were an unattractive woman. he really did. i think my theory is he picked them because they are their names are easy to pronounce. her name was kim and he could say that. kim. we have have to move on and time for another break. check out the new pod cast. go to fox news radio date. m click on red eye when you get there. tonight we talked about bill and our weekend away in florida where we did things in florida. and had more mosquitos.
them. they were able on-line bom a lots. it is cute, but it could be like in his words spiking the forum. the whole conspiracy was such a victory. trump is gone because so in a way it is like he is mocking them. they are allowed to be mocked. some people deserve it. we will agree to disagree. time for another break. break. go to fox news radio and click on red eye. tonight, what are we talking about? everything was awesome. we talked about empathy and how i didn t believe in empathy.
it is california. however, we well, maria shriver looks great. casm dash kennedys have something about them. lucy and desiarnaz worked together after the divorce. i would watch it in a heart berate, greg. it would be a cop show. we have to move on and time for another break. there is a new pod cast. go to fox news radio .com. tonight we talked about cereals. cereals, cereals, cereals. what kind of cereal do you like? every one. ?@?@?@?@?@?@?@?@?@@
thing. gee that s why you are here. time for another break. check out the new red eye pod cast. there is a new one every day. go to fox news radio .com. click on red eye. tonight we talked about happeningovers.