preparations and from what i can tell, they are preparing for a fight. a little while ago i spoke to senator rand paul of kentucky. he was pretty tough on donald trump in the first debate. he told me he wasn t tough enough. he is gearing up to go right after the republican front-runner donald trump literally and figuratively the man in the middle. the polls come out, and we re really killing it. we are killing it. reporter: tonight a new poll from cbs news and the new york times shows ben carson closer than ever, with jeb bush drifting further and further back. carson was polling at 6% just one month ago while bush has dropped seven points since august. so far, though, nothing and no one has managed to push trump from his perch. what s donald trump say about the decision? reporter: but when the going gets tough, the tough go negative. for the first time an outside group, the conservative club for growth, opened its wallet. trump, the worst kind of
the decision? reporter: when the going gets tough, the tough go negative. for the first time an outside group, the conservative club for growth, opened its wallet. trump, the worst kind of politician. reporter: announcing they will spend more than $1 million on two ads in iowa bashing trump for what they call his liberal economic ideas. he has a record, and it s very liberal. he s really just playing us for chumps. reporter: not to be outanti-trumped, governor bobby jindal pulling in less than 1% released a new video, too, attacking how trump shaps his foreign policy views. in all fairness, you know, what do i know? reporter: trump knows attacks are coming but doesn t sound too concerned. so, the debate. i hear they re all going after me. whatever, whatever! reporter: despite recent dust-ups with carson and fiorina, not to mention bush, walker, paul, poe ta poe tack i
anything but donald trump. he s a nars isictist an eeg database ego maniac. i m done. we need to be much more hopeful and optimistic of our ideology. he s seen his support plummet. by comparison, carly fiorina. i didn t get a call from bill clinton before i jumped in the race. her strong debate performance earned a spot. they have to make a decision go negative on trump and take him down or introduce something positive and that might benefit you when eventually trump falters.
playing as their strategy here? go negative, continue to pound obama on the irs, benghazi, veteran, affairs, everything, figure voters will say no to the democrats or won t show up and vote? that would be my thinking. what s yours? i hate giving them our good advice, chris, but i think that is their best strategy because they don t have unifying ideas for the country or even for their own party. nationalizing this election beyond obama hate, that s something they can all agree on, nationalizing this election hurts somebody like terry lynn land in michigan, for example. she doesn t want to run on same platform as jack kingston in georgia. there s little policy-wise that pull this party together. we talked about it last week. they disagree on immigration, have given up their own ideas on immigration, their own ideas on individual mandates for health care. they don t have ideas to pull them together. all they have is a president that they hate. for 2014 they can run on that.
hell to pay should we win the senate in the fall and not have an agenda that actually moves the country forward. then you have to full throat of governance at your hands here because you ve got the white house, the house, and the senate, and now you re at the same table as the president so, if dwroint have an agenda that complements his or is different than his, you have to be able to lay out a vision of where you want to take the country if you expect the country to give you the mantel of leadership and certainly the responsibility for governing. joan, i don t know what you re going to say here. you re on the other side s turf here, on the visiting team s turf. what do you say they should be playing as their strategy here? go negative, continue to pound obama on the irs, benghazi, veteran, affairs, everything, figure voers will say no to the democrats or won t show up and vote? that would be my thinking. what s yours? i hate giving them our good advice, chris, but i think that