for her in terms of survivability because she may not have been able to get through a primary? i m sure sinex advocate at that and seen that in saying this is why she s doing this to safer see. however, i would argue this is probably who she s always been, the way our system is set up in elections it is harder the first time you run out of the gate to run as an independent. it s easier to be an independent after you run office. we ve seen that throughout history and a number of states, shelby, jeffords, harry byrd in virginia, arlen specter once considered it and ended up switching from republican to democrat instead. i think now that she s an established figure voters know who she is in her state.
playing as their strategy here? go negative, continue to pound obama on the irs, benghazi, veteran, affairs, everything, figure voters will say no to the democrats or won t show up and vote? that would be my thinking. what s yours? i hate giving them our good advice, chris, but i think that is their best strategy because they don t have unifying ideas for the country or even for their own party. nationalizing this election beyond obama hate, that s something they can all agree on, nationalizing this election hurts somebody like terry lynn land in michigan, for example. she doesn t want to run on same platform as jack kingston in georgia. there s little policy-wise that pull this party together. we talked about it last week. they disagree on immigration, have given up their own ideas on immigration, their own ideas on individual mandates for health care. they don t have ideas to pull them together. all they have is a president that they hate. for 2014 they can run on that.