wonderful that you re here. how long did you wait in line? i was fast tracked because i have o negative, so only two hours. you re a special person. others have waited ten plus hours. you re doing my job. she s absolutely right there were people waiting for more than ten today. but they say because of this tremendous turnout throughout the city of las vegas and the state of the nevada that they have blood they need. they ve asked people to no longer wait tonight to make an appointment for later this week because the way this business works is by tomorrow they may need blood again, so they want people to come back later in the week. they have enough blood here for the victims of this horrifying attack. amazing to see so many people wanting to do whatever they can. gary, appreciate that. mass killers deserve no such
surgeons, extra critical care nurses, extra, even, you know, evs folks to make sure we were keeping our trauma center clean to be able to move our patients through quickly. reporter: nevada s governor today made an urgent plea. we need blood, so, if anybody can contribute blood. reporter: and now, so many are responding to his call. i heard this happened, the least i could do, give me blood and i m o-negative, so, my blood is actually the universal giver. reporter: some reportedly waiting up to five hours to donate. you can see i don t even know if you can see how far this line goes. it is incredible. linsey davis joins us tonight outside university medical center. and some of the doctors we learned had just received some training that proved critical in their response here? reporter: that s right, david. many of those doctors recently had just undergone training with a physician who was on-call in orlando the night of the pulse nightclub shooting and he was able to s
hands up, saying what s going on here? so, yeah, with the iowa caucuses, a little more than three months out at this point. you will see other candidates who have been slowly building, finally starting to get a bit more compass prated, a bit more willing to sort of go negative. quickly on the democratic side of the race, many of you may have been sleeping or watching baseball. she was essentially asked, which candidate she would rather face or which one she could see winning the white house, ben carson or donald trump? this was her answer? if i say one or the other, it might influence some people. i don t want to have any influence on it. i want them to go through whatever their process is. if i am fortunate enough to be the nominee, i want to run hard against whichever republican is up there. but you can picture either one of them in the office, right? you can picture either one of those guys in the office? well, i can picture them in
tonight, new polls for cbs news and the new york times shows ben carson further than ever with jeb bush further enand further back. bush dropped seven points since august. so far, though, nothing and no one has managed to push trump from his perch. what s donald trump say about the decision? when you when the going gets tough, the tough go negative. for the first time an outside group, the conservative club for growth opened its wallet. trump, the worst kind of politician. announcing they will spend more than $1 million on two ads in iowa bashing trump for what they call his liberal economic ideas. he has a record, and it s very liberal. he s really just playing us for chumps. not to be out anti-trumped, governor bobby jindahl, polling at less than 1%, released a new video, too attacking how trump
for a new round of attacks in wednesday night s debate. john berman has more. the polls come out and we re really killing it. we are killing it. reporter: a new poll from the new york times shows ben carson closer than ever with jeb bush drifting farther back. cars bush has dropped 7 points since august. nothing and no one has managed to push trump from its perch. but when the going gets tough, the tough go negative. for the first time an outside group, the conservative club for growth opened its wall let. trump, the worst kind of politici politician. reporter: announcing they ll spend more money in iowa on ads. he has a record, and it s very liberal.