Crimson tide, yes, well talk about it steam rolled to victory. Rolls past notre dame. And second straight bcs title. And an eyebrow race raising comment, yes, were talking to you brent mussberger. Chuck hagel named defense secretary nominee. His confirmation will be anything but easy. And we have a date. The u. S. Could default on the debt ceiling earlier than expected. What it means for you. And an exclusive exchange when piers morgan sits down with a man who wants him deported. 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. More from that, coming up. Members of the championship crimson tide football team, mike xwnch olic, and mike greenberg. Mike buttry. Talk about addiction with Patrick Kennedy and Christopher Kennedy lawford and the former university of texas track coach, bev kearney will join to us talk about her lawsuit against the school. Tuesday, january 8th. Starting point begins right now. Welcome back, everybody. Starting point, a crimson tidal wave fair to call i
Little bit on this friday. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for being with me. Im brooke baldwin. Now we take you to washington. Wolf blitzer. The situation room. Brooke, thanks very much. New plans for ending the war in afghanistan. President obama meets with the afghan President Hamid karzai. The white house looks at the connection between video game and gun violence as battle lines form in the looming fight over gun control. And a new report on the flu. We now have a clearer picture of where this epidemic stands. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. Its the longest war in u. S. History and now were learninging new details about how president obama intends to end it for the United States. After meeting with hamid karzai at the white house, the president said the u. S. Will probably be able to speed up, to accelerate plan troop withdraws. Some americans will remain, presumably, their role, though, potentially becoming clearer. Our White House Correspondent Bria
December 2007. The best gauge for fear in the motorcycles, the cbo volatility index plummeted last week. If you look this morning to see where things stand, youll see u. S. Equity futures are indicated just slightly lower. Right now, dow futures down about 35 points. Same story in europe. If you look at the early trading there, youll see a slight pullback across most of these markets. The cac is off. 3. 5 . Major asian markets overnight, things barely budged with the hang seng and shanghai was slightly higher and the nikkei was down by about. 8 . Andrew. And werings season officially begins after the bell tomorrow. Thats when alcoa will be posting First Quarter results. Earnings are expected to rise. Lets get a quick check on the weeks economic calendar. A quiet start today. Tomorrow, well be getting the Nfib Small Business sentiment survey. Were going to get the Consumer Credit and on thursday, weekly jobless claims and wholesale trade and finally on friday, International Trade and im
That does it for us. Erin Burnett Outfront starts now. Outfront next, insurance giant aig got a 182 billion taxpayer bailout. You may remember that. You were probably angry about it. Now theyre thanking america and they might sue us. Plus new information about the aurora theater massacre. Details of an elaborate trap and bizarre trap set by the alleged shooter that may give a window into the troubled state of his mind. And demonstrations raging in Southeast Asia in response to the brutal rape and murder of a 23yearold indian woman. Padma speaks out about the attack. Lets go outfront. Good evening. Im erin burnett. Outfront tonight, thank you, america. Insurance giant aig says its very grateful for the 182 billion in taxpayer money that saved it from i dont even know if bankruptcys the right word. How about complete and utter obliteration at the height of the financial crisis. Aig of course has become a symbol of the financial meltdown of 2008 so its nice that they are now running ads t
Hello, everyone. Im ashleigh banfield. Thanks for being with us. The flu is on a terror. People you would never expect are dying. We are watching the white house as sportsmen, video game makers and the ncra all come together to talk about guns. Vice President Biden is hosting another day of back to back meetings with socalled stake holders in the firearms debate. The Vice President has set off a firestorm in conservative ranks by suggesting that the president might not rely, necessarily, on congress, at least not entirely, to crack down on gun violence in america. Enter, the executive order. Enter the instantaneous backlash. So when biden, himself a liberal democrat, says that himself and the president , cabinet, attorney general, all a bunch of leftist democrats are talking about using executive orders, when you say for what, it could only be to take guns away from people. Who knew that an executive order could trump a constitutional amendment . Nope, nope. Sorry. No rush. You are ver