RUSSIA. Tallying up Russia’s nuclear weapons.
Endangered sea turtles sucked into nuclear power plant pipes.
CANADA. Canadian government hand in glove with the nuclear lobby for a ”NICE” nuclear future. Scepticism in Canada, about the government’s push for small nuclear reactors. Saugeen First Nation do not want Canada’s nuclear waste. Nuclear Waste Management Organization says the project will not be built without their consent. Small nuclear reactors – a way to get indigenous people to then accept nuclear waste?
INDIA. India is operating the world’s most dangerous, fastest-growing, nuclear weapons and missile programs in the world.
GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccine Initative)
it becomes very clear that the private part of this public-private partnership has taken over control. And not only have they taken over control, they’re immune from everything. They’re not responsible for anything. This has got to stop.
The corruption of the WHO: Astrid Stuckelberger, Final Hour., 12 May 21, Stuckelberger explains how the WHO has mutated into a system of global governance…..
Astrid Stuckelberger interviewed by the Corona Ausschuss
The lawyers at the Corona Ausschuss (the Corona Investigative Committee) have interviewed Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger,, a health scientist, researcher and long-term WHO collaborator. She says she was asked to “take a mandate” on international health regulation, which led to WHO collaboration on pandemic preparedness. She recounts her experience in this field in the interview below and reveals a number of rather extraord