Estimates say nearly 14 per cent of individuals between the ages of 15 and 24 in India use tobacco in some form, including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.
India s Union Health Ministry will launch a 60-day pan India campaign on tobacco-free youth on May 31, World No Tobacco Day, to prevent initiation of tobacco use among youngsters and assist users to quit
Tobacco consumption remains a major issue as even minors were getting addicted to it. According to the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), nearly one-fifth of children aged 13-15 years are using tobacco products in India.The survey revealed .
According to a recent survey, 38% of cigarette, 47% of bidi, and 52% of smokeless tobacco users started their habits before turning 10 years old. It also discusses about about how more minors are getting addicted to tobacco, read on to find out more.
FOR someone, regardless of age, to be enticed to take that smoking whiff can be attributed to a lot of factors, whether through peer pressure from most-of-the-time immature friends, classmates, neighbors, or perhaps even strangers in a public place like a bar. One may promise not to give in to…