Dr Ashish Mehta, a senior neonatologist said that the child did not fit the case of a child with asphyxia. When the medical team traced the child and mother s medical history they got a clue from the gynaecologist who said that the mother had a history of asthma. They also found that the mother chewed tobacco "sometimes". Gujarat Shocker: Woman Gives Birth to Newborn Child With 60 ml of Nicotine Levels in Mehsana Hospital, Doctors Say Mother s Tobacco Addiction Led to Child s Overdosing .
Bokaro: Deputy commissioner (DC) Kuldeep Chaudhary on Wednesday asked all educational institutions in the district to declare their institution as 100.
India s Union Health Ministry will launch a 60-day pan India campaign on tobacco-free youth on May 31, World No Tobacco Day, to prevent initiation of tobacco use among youngsters and assist users to quit