look, i think obama hurt himself, i do think he politicized the gay marriage issue. i haven t seen a public official politicize the gay agenda since the policemen in the village people that was a funny line. when you kids go loam, you can google village people i. it is not just that he politicized it, it s that 7% of americans give a rip about gay marriage i was laughing. but there is what they do, they try to distract this is a distraction. 62% of americans think jobs is the number-1 issue. and obama is talking about attacking the supreme court on health care and attacking anne romney. it s the sandra fluke and the student loanful he can t run on his record because he doesn t have a record. he runsarn the country, on our taxpayer dollars, campaigning away. and the american people said, enough! sean: wall street you know what the funny thing is you have to admit this
look, i think obama hurt himself, i do think he politicized the gay marriage issue. i haven t seen a public official politicize the gay agenda since the policemen in the village people that was a funny line. when you kids go loam, you can google village people i. it is not just that he politicized it, it s that 7% of americans give a rip about gay marriage i was laughing. but there is what they do, they try to distract this is a distraction. 62% of americans think jobs is the number-1 issue. and obama is talking about attacking the supreme court on health care and attacking anne romney. it s the sandra fluke and the student loanful he can t run on his record because he doesn t have a record. he runsarn the country, on our taxpayer dollars, campaigning away. and the american people said, enough! sean: wall street you know what the funny thing is you have to admit this
maybe stepping into a trap? i guess the question i m trying to ask is what are they think g thinking? i a i asked the same question to my colleagues. it makes no sense to go down this road. it makes no sense to attack women. the you don t view this as an attack on women then you need to go loam and talk to your wives and daughters. ask them if they feel this is an attack. this is how women are perceiving the situation. if you don t view this as an attack on women then you need to go home and talk to your wives and your daughters. republican u.s. senator gets what the rest of the republican party appears not to get, which is that republicans are not being accused randomly and for no reason of going after women s right, they are earning that
etch a sketch. etch a sketch. etch a sketch. etch sketch. etch a sketch. etch a sketch. that s louisiana treatment of an etch a sketch love stinks mitt romney if he is going to be the guy we bring loam or the republicans bring home to mom and dad, kelly, what does he need to do to lock it down. be real. if you don t have it, come up with it quickly. show you re authentic. women want to connect with you and know what you re going to do. stay away from social issues. stick to the economy. after watching that, alex, it s a long, long uphill climb. i m sorry i can t ask the rest of you guys the same thing because we have to go and end the show. tres thanks again to kelly, ryan, wes and ben. i ll see you back here monday at noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. pacific. when i m joined by ari and john heilema heilemann. tune in tomorrow night when i m going to be hosting special
walker and his republican allies have done more to divide my home state than anything in my lifetime. my high school buddies and i hailing from many different political we are situations agree. it s makes perfect sense wisconsin would turn out to be ground battle for america s future going into this presidential election. wisconsin has always been a closely divided state politically with leaders of conservatism and progressivism emerging here. to conservatives this is home of red scare leader joe mr. clinton karnlgy. welfare reformer tommy thompson and budget cutter paul ryan. 0 to progressives wisconsin is the loam of fighting bob who took on big business and fought for liberal wage or nelson or russ feingold. two very different traditions living side by side for decades. my high school friends and i to this day can have friendly debates between the thompson republicans and progressives. that s how it used to be.