Oh, i hope its good. Itll be fine. Ill get washed up. I dont know how he does it but hes got a knack of hittin a note just enough off to make your skin crawl. Oh, andy, everybody cant sing. Youve got to be tolerant of him. Barney . nita, juanita. . . Ahdahdahdee dahdadada . Have a sandwich, barney. Yeah, fill up your mouth there, barn. Eat slow. All right. door opening well, howdy, john. Bee hello, john. Hello, bee. Andy well, whats the trouble . Andy, ive got to talk to you. Well, wont you have a sandwich . No. No, thank you. Andy, weve got a big problem with the choir. We have . Ralph pritchard is dropping out. Oh, no. No, hes not. Yes, sir. With his new job hes on the road two weeks out of three so he has to step out. What in the world are we going to do about a first tenor . I just dont know, andy. Bee what about fred mason . Works nights, cant make practice and with that concert coming up we need plenty of practice. We sure do that. How about rick jackson . Maybe hes a tenor now t