In the coastal town of Gwadar, where China has built a strategic port, protests led by Maulana Hidayatur Rahman Baloch, the secretary general of Jamaat-e-Islami for Baluchistan province, have broken out again. The protesters demand jobs, the removal of the high number of Pakistani military checkpoints, the stopping of illegal Chinese commercial trawlers and the protection of
New Delhi, Jan 3: The Balochistan police has registered cases of murder, attempt to murder and provoking people for violence against Maulana Hidayat-Ur-Rehman, the leader of the Haq Do Tehreek (Give Rights to Gwadar) movement. The nearly .
The situation in Gwadar got very tense after many people were injured due to scuffle, shelling and baton charge between the Give Rights Movement and the police,