bombshell from michael avenatti, an attorney for @ingrahamangle star stormy daniels. he s claiming that the company controlled by a russian billionaire played the president s personal attorney michael cohen half-million dollars. which cohen could ve used them to pay stormy daniels. okay, let s slow down here. first consider the source. avenatti among other mistruths, claimed just last week, that he knew for a fact that the fbi had wiretapped cohen. i don t think we are going to find out that this was confined just to email voice wiretapped. i think my understanding is they weren t wiretapping text message communications for the weeks leading up to the fbi raids. is that a piece of information you ve come into in the course of your work on this case or are you speculating? speak i m not speculative. it s a fact. laura: as we know, the it wasn t a fact. there was no text message fails. didn t happen. now we have more than avenatti committed a major blunder with his so-called scoop
with more tests, more ballistic missile testing, they also had a facility collapse on itself. because of the way it was built, what it was tunneling underneath. collapse on itself. the whole narrative in north korea is collapsing but the pressure that was brought to bear on him with this unconventional american leader who didn t feel like he had to play by the old rulebook, i think moves it to the place that it is now that nobody predicted. no one is predicting that donald trump would be the one to oversee this summit and to carry out the summit. again, seeing where it goes. i think you are right that we have to be cautious but come on. the fact that he s not getting any credit from these people, i think it s dishonest at this point. you know, i agree with you during the campaign. i met with the south korean media and diplomats and they were so far from what s happening now, they even asked me will trump administration abandon us? everything has changed.
did as president in april 1988 was signed and champion to congress the u.n. convention against torture. that defines torture as anything that s purposely inflict it on someone laura: gina haspel didn t make the decision, though, john. she was not the architect of waterboarding. george w. bush and the legal consuls offset justice in consultation with congress okayed these techniques in a very limited number of cases at a time where we still believed the next attack was coming. she was overseeing that thailand site in 2002 and kamala harris, i don t know what she was doing in 2002. may be in california doing something. but these are the periods we asked to carry out the duties to protect us and keep us safe. gina haspel has been treated like dirt from this committee. if she were nominated by anyone else, a democrat, she would be confirmed easily. they voted to confirm brennan, her superior. they confirmed @seanhannity or no problem. you are 100% right that the democrats are being h