really matters, the millions of american lives improved by the day. thanks to the vision, commitment, and policies of donald trump. and that s the angle. joining me now reaction in florida is dan bongino and nra tv contributor. would we hear in studio, john blaser, director of foreign policy studies at the cato institute and lisa harris, fox news national security analyst. great to see all of you. john, i want to go to you on this. it s amazing to go back and listen to those who several weeks ago were saying that trump was on the verge of bringing us a thermonuclear war because he called kim jong un rocket man and he seemed to be all over the place. they don t understand that s the way trump moves and operates. he is not being given credit. he says look, anything can happen here but the naysayers and the negativity, i don t think are complying with the reality that most americans are seeing here. it s important to point out
of the administration, the lack of a diplomatic, serious engagement strategy in my view has us sliding toward war by next summer. one trump confidant like into the president to a whistling teapot, saying that when he does not blow off steam come he can turn into a pressure cooker and explode. trump s comments about nuclear weapons have experts worried he could literally inadvertently trigger a catastrophe. donald trump is moving us toward world war iii. laura: there is no overstatement there. whatsoever. the results obviously tell a different tale. the world is looking to america for leadership again, and this president is not afraid to lead. north and south korea are talking peace. trump is renegotiating things like the nafta deal. he has shown himself also to be a surprisingly deft diplomat especially for someone who is not done politics before. his state dinner for macron was a smash, and the way he worked
example that the press is getting it right is on north korea people are giving him credit. not the people you re short on msnbc. generally speaking, the press is giving him credit. i don t think frankly this network gave barack obama as much credit when he got two hostages out but that s neither here nor there. the press generally is giving donald trump high marks. the point is whether it s good news to report he s getting good news. laura: 90%. of new stories are negative on this president at the same time, as i said in my angle, 50% percent of my americans say thie looking good. the press, negative, negative, negative. it becomes white noise. people say wait a second. i just got a bonus for joining this blue-collar job. my stuff is still looking pretty good in the stock market. kids able to get a job out of college. actually able to take a vacation this summer. i think the democrats are pushing this the wrong way, and i don t think the coverage is
with japan and china to try to box kim jong un in has been really impressive. now, people forget about the coalition he put together for those targeted syrian air strikes. and the bold steps he has taken throughout the middle east, from his outreach to the saudis to moving the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. i mean, the truth is, we are in the midst of a time of pretty amazing peace and prosperity that we haven t seen since i think the 80s. the economic renaissance that we are experiencing at home is due to the policies of donald trump and the optimism and opportunity they are generating from coast-to-coast. his tax and regulatory cuts have unleashed new investments and now bonuses for blue-collar workers. the likes of which we have not seen in decades. unemployment at a 17 year low. u.s. manufacturing is up again this month, marking the strongest expansion since 2004.
from your colleagues to arms go demonstrates this white house s commitment to accessibility and providing information to the american public. at the same time, the press has a responsibility to put out accurate information. laura: to break it all down, jeffrey lord served as associate political director and the reagan administration. richard goodstein is a former hillary clinton presidential campaign advisor. gentlemen, it s great to see yo you. the press is really upset about this credentials tweet. richard. well, certainly this was one of those examples, look, let s remind ourselves donald trump impersonated a public relations officer for years, right, under the name of john miller and john barron. the notion of his decrying fake news is always a bit rich. let s put that aside for now. this was i think put out, this notion of taking away press credentials, was to take away from the michael cohen story, rudy giuliani totally botching things. et cetera, et cetera.